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what is difference between set analysis and alternative states in qlikview?

hi friends in qlikview what is difference between set analysis and alternative states in qlikview when are we using in qlikview and can you please any one send me with examples .   about set analysis and alternative states 

4 Replies
Master III
Master III

The sets analysis let you create a different selection than the active one being used into the chart or table

Please see attached file

Whereas Alternate is a another condition of object,

You can have 2 chart and two list box.

If you assign State1 to one set o chart+listbox, when you make selection in listbox only this chart that have the same state will respond to that selection.

As you see the chart and box on the left in in State1 the chart and box on the right in State2.

To create new State go to


Document Properties-->..

Where to find object State

Not applicable


Set analysis is a kind of presentation of values based on the condition.

for example:sum({<Department= {'Technical'}>}sales)

here we are getting total sum of sales from technical department


Alternate states are concept of comparative analysis to compare two terms

for example i want to compare data of two departments then ill create two states and ill write as follows

sum({<Department= {'Technical'}>}sales)........state 1

sum({<Department= {'HR'}>}sales).............state2

Not applicable

Hi Subbu,

The following are some scenarios where a developer may wish to use Set Analysis:-

  • To compare results for two different time periods in one single view based on the same selection state
  • To restrict or exclude certain value(s) in a field from the calculation
  • To create a cumulative sum or YTD (Year-To-Date) result, even if the user selects only one month
  • To disregard selections in a certain field that may not be applicable to calculate a particular metric
  • To use the set of data returned by a Bookmark, even when the Bookmark is not activated
  • To replace If expressions that make use of lots of hardware resources
  • To Ignore or include some or all of the current selections

Alternate States functionality will be used to define two different record sets and compare the

corresponding results side-by-side

Harsha Nandan


set analysis is used for comparing the multiple expressions in a chart and alternate state is create a state and apply for multiple objects in a application those selections can't effect to the other objects.

ex:sum({<year={2014}>}sales) here displays only 2014 sales

sum({state1<year={2014}>}sales) here state1 refers the alternate state same state we can asighn for listbox when we select that listbox only this chart will be effected not effect by any other object