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Occasional QlikView connectivity issue when connecting to Azure SQL DB


We are experiencing an occasional connectivity issue during automated reload of one of our QVWs that is loading data from Azure SQL database. The error message is:

Error: Connector reply error: Unable to connect to database:
Error message:
Please check the values for Username‚ Password‚ Host and other properties. Description: Communication link failure. It is not possible to use encrypted credentials when encryption is disabled.

We are unable to replicate the failure during a manual reload, and it only happens intermittently. This document reloads every day, and the failure has happened once in the last 3 months. We had a similar issue with another QVW using the same connection, it only happened once or twice in the last 3 months.

It seems like other users are experiencing the same issue in QlikSense: 

I couldn't find the resolution for this in the forums.






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1 Reply

It does not sound for a regular error else to a temporary issue - maybe caused from an overload of the network or to the authentication-services or similar stuff which may then return an error or didn't response in a certain time and the call runs into any timeout.

Maybe any further logs from OS/network/database provide any hints to the real cause behind of the error-message but if it happens so rarely if will be hard to detect the cause respectively a pattern.

A workaround for such cases could be to implement an error-handling with ERRORMODE. Depending of your scenario it may just ignore the error and ending the script-execution without a break or repeating the call n times with a sleep-statement of n seconds or doing anything else and/or also tracking the error within the document-logs or extra tables.

- Marcus