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Qlikview Server Document Reload Failed


Our Qlikview Server has multiple documents reloading during the night, however this document fails, not every night though only every couple of nights. We have the Qlikview Server setup to email us if a document reload fails and below is the error we were given: (please note I have removed the path of the document as it includes our customer name)

24/11/2015 8:07:19 p.m.        Error        The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=

24/11/2015 8:07:19 p.m.        Error        The task "####.qvw" failed. Exception:

QDSMain.Exceptions.TaskFailedException: Task execution failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.LogBucketErrorException: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=

   at QDSMain.ReloadTask.VerifyConditions(TaskResult taskResult)

   at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage)

   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

   at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage)

   at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult)

   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

   at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult)

   at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(ILogBucket logBucket, TaskResult taskResult)

We are not using section access in this document.

Qlikview Server Version: 11.20.12904.0

OS: Windows Server 2008 R2

Memory: 8GB standard with auto expansion to around 16GB I think.

Database: Pervasive V11 ODBC connection

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Labels (1)
8 Replies
Champion III
Champion III


It could be due to many things like Database Reset Connections. Network issues.

To get better log I would suggest to Enable Application Logging as shown below.

If you have Antivirus software installed make sure you eliminate Qlik Content from Antivirus Scan.



Not applicable

Hi Ashfaq,

I have turned the logging on and got the below error log:

The script does not fail on every reload only maybe once a week. I have removed some parts of the log eg, usernames and some of the Branch names from the BranchMap part of the reload, but I don't believe that any of this is causing the issue.

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      Execution started.

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      QlikView Version:11.20.12904.0

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      CPU Target                    x64

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      Operating System              Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Service Pack 1 (64 bit edition)

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      Wow64 mode                    Not using Wow64

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      MDAC Version                  6.1.7601.17514

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      MDAC Full Install Version     6.1.7601.17514

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      PreferredCompression          2

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      EnableParallelReload          1

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      ParallelizeQvdLoads           1

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      AutoSaveAfterReload           0

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      BackupBeforeReload            0

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      EnableFlushLog                0

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      SaveInfoWhenSavingFile        0

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      UserLogfileCharset            1200

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      OdbcLoginTimeout              -1

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      OdbcConnectionTimeout         -1

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      ScriptWantsDbWrite            false

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      ScriptWantsExe                false

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:      LogFile CodePage Used:        1200

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:       Reload Executed By

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:       Process Executing: QVB

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:       Process ID: 102708

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0002  SET ThousandSep=','

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0003  SET DecimalSep='.'

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0004  SET MoneyThousandSep=','

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0005  SET MoneyDecimalSep='.'

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0006  SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;-$#,##0.00'

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0007  SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT'

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0008  SET DateFormat='D/MM/YYYY'

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0009  SET TimestampFormat='D/MM/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT'

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0010  SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec'

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0011  SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun'

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0013  ODBC CONNECT32*

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0016  BranchMap:

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0017  LOAD * INLINE [

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0018      Branch, Business Unit, BranchShortCode, ReportingBranch

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0019      , Stores, HS,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0020      , Stores, NA,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0021      , Stores, NP,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0022      , Stores, RO,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0023      , Other, HW,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0024      , Other, HC,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0025  ]

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:       4 fields found: Branch, Business Unit, BranchShortCode, ReportingBranch, 6 lines fetched

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0043  let NumOfDays=(MonthEnd(today())-'01/04/2008')

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0045  Dates:

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0046  LOAD

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0047   Date('01/04/2008'+ rowno() -1,'DD/MM/YYYY') as [Transaction Date],

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0048   Month(Date('01/04/2008'+ rowno() -1,'DD/MM/YYYY')) &' ' &year(Date('01/04/2008'+ rowno() -1,'DD/MM/YYYY')) as MonthYear,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0049   Year(Date('01/04/2008'+ rowno() -1,'DD/MM/YYYY')) as Year

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0050  Autogenerate 2799.9999999884+1

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:       3 fields found: Transaction Date, MonthYear, Year, 2,800 lines fetched

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0053  FinancialMonths:

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0054  LOAD * INLINE [

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0055      Month, FinancialMonth, FinMonthNbr, FinancialQuarter

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0056      Apr, Apr, 1, Q1

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0057      May, May, 2, Q1

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0058      Jun, Jun, 3, Q1

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0059      Jul, Jul, 4, Q2

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0060      Aug, Aug, 5, Q2

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0061      Sep, Sep, 6, Q2

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0062      Oct, Oct, 7, Q3

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0063      Nov, Nov, 8, Q3

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0064      Dec, Dec, 9, Q3

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0065      Jan, Jan, 10, Q4

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0066      Feb, Feb, 11, Q4

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0067      Mar, Mar, 12, Q4

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0068  ]

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM:       4 fields found: Month, FinancialMonth, FinMonthNbr, FinancialQuarter, 12 lines fetched

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0070  Customers:

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0071  LOAD Company&':'&Customer as CustomerCoyKey,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0072      Customer,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0073      DiscGroup as [Discount Group],

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0074      DiscType as [Customer Type],

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0075      Salep as [Sales Rep 1],

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0076      Salep1 as [Sales Rep 2],

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0077      RowNo() as CustSeqNbr

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0078  SQL SELECT Company,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0079      Customer,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0080      DiscGroup,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0081      DiscType,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0082      Salep,

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0083      Salep1

27/11/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0084  FROM CACDB."Star_QVRCustomers"

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM:       7 fields found: CustomerCoyKey, Customer, Discount Group, Customer Type, Sales Rep 1, Sales Rep 2, CustSeqNbr, 3,837 lines fetched

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0086  Transactions:

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0087  LOAD

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0088   Company&':'&Customer as CustomerCoyKey,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0089   Branch&'/'&StockNbr as BranchStockNbrKey,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0090   Company,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0091      InvoiceNbr,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0092      SaleDate as [Transaction Date],

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0093      FinancialYear,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0094      Month,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0095      Sales,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0096      Cost,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0097      Quantity,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0098      UOM,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0099      UnitCost,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0100      GrossProfit,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0101      GrossProfit / Sales as [GP %],

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0102      StockNbr,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0103      Branch,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0104      Product,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0105      Category,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0106      SubCategory,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0107      PreferredSupplier,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0108      SalesRep as [Invoice Rep]

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0109  SQL SELECT Company,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0110      Customer,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0111      InvoiceNbr,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0112      SaleDate,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0113      FinancialYear,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0114      Month,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0115      Sales,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0116      Cost,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0117      Quantity,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0118      UOM,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0119      UnitCost,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0120      GrossProfit,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0121      StockNbr,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0122      Branch,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0123      Product,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0124      Category,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0125      SubCategory,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0126      PreferredSupplier,

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0127      SalesRep

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0128  FROM CACDB."Star_OILNEFact"

27/11/2015 8:00:04 PM:       21 fields found: CustomerCoyKey, BranchStockNbrKey, Company, InvoiceNbr, Transaction Date, FinancialYear, Month, Sales, Cost, Quantity, UOM, UnitCost, GrossProfit, GP %, StockNbr, Branch, Product, Category, SubCategory, PreferredSupplier, Invoice Rep, 906,103 lines fetched

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0130  Concatenate(Transactions)

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0131 

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0132  LOAD

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0133   Company&':'&Customer as CustomerCoyKey,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0134   Branch&'/'&StockNbr as BranchStockNbrKey,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0135   Company,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0136      InvoiceNbr,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0137      SaleDate as [Transaction Date],

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0138      FinancialYear,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0139      Month,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0140      Sales,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0141      Cost,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0142      FreightCost,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0143      Quantity,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0144      UOM,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0145      UnitCost,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0146      GrossProfit,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0147      GrossProfit / Sales as [GP %],

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0148      StockNbr,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0149      Branch,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0150      Product,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0151      Category,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0152      SubCategory,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0153      PreferredSupplier,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0154      SalesRep as [Invoice Rep]

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0155  SQL SELECT Company,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0156      Customer,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0157      InvoiceNbr,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0158      SaleDate,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0159      FinancialYear,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0160      Month,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0161      Sales,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0162      Cost,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0163      FreightCost,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0164      Quantity,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0165      UOM,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0166      UnitCost,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0167      GrossProfit,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0168      StockNbr,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0169      Branch,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0170      Product,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0171      Category,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0172      SubCategory,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0173      PreferredSupplier,

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0174      SalesRep

27/11/2015 8:05:20 PM: 0175  FROM CACDB."Star_DSLNEFact"

27/11/2015 8:05:21 PM:       22 fields found: CustomerCoyKey, BranchStockNbrKey, Company, InvoiceNbr, Transaction Date, FinancialYear, Month, Sales, Cost, FreightCost, Quantity, UOM, UnitCost, GrossProfit, GP %, StockNbr, Branch, Product, Category, SubCategory, PreferredSupplier, Invoice Rep, 989,730 lines fetched

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0194  Suppliers:

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0195  LOAD

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0196   Company&':'&SupplierCode as SupplierCoyKey,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0197      Supplier,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0198      SupplierCode,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0199      APStatus,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0200      RowNo() as SuppSeqNbr

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0201  SQL SELECT Company,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0202      Supplier,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0203      SupplierCode,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0204      APStatus

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0205  FROM CACDB."Star_QVRSuppliers"

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM:       5 fields found: SupplierCoyKey, Supplier, SupplierCode, APStatus, SuppSeqNbr, 1,232 lines fetched

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0207  Concatenate(Transactions)

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0208  LOAD

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0209   Company&':'&SupplierCode as SupplierCoyKey,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0210   Branch&'/'&StockNbr as BranchStockNbrKey,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0211   Company,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0212      APInvoice,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0213      PurchDate as [Transaction Date],

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0214      FinancialYear,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0215      Month,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0216      Purchases,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0217      Quantity as PurchQuantity,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0218      UOM,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0219      UnitCost,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0220      StockNbr,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0221      Branch,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0222      if(TranType<>'GL',Product,'GL ' &trim(GLAccount) &' - ' &Product) as Product,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0223      GLAccount,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0224      Category,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0225      SubCategory,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0226      TranType

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0227  SQL SELECT Company,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0228      SupplierCode,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0229      APInvoice,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0230      PurchDate,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0231      FinancialYear,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0232      Month,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0233      Purchases,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0234      Quantity,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0235      UOM,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0236      UnitCost,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0237      StockNbr,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0238      Branch,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0239      Product,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0240      GLAccount,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0241      Category,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0242      SubCategory,

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0243      TranType

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM: 0244  FROM CACDB."Star_QVRSuppFact"

27/11/2015 8:06:20 PM:       18 fields found: SupplierCoyKey, BranchStockNbrKey, Company, APInvoice, Transaction Date, FinancialYear, Month, Purchases, PurchQuantity, UOM, UnitCost, StockNbr, Branch, Product, GLAccount, Category, SubCategory, TranType, 1,369,292 lines fetched

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0246  Concatenate(Transactions)

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0247  LOAD

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0248   Company&':'&SupplierCode as SupplierCoyKey,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0249   Company,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0250      APInvoice,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0251      FinancialYear,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0252      Month,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0253      Amount as Purchases,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0254      'GL ' &Product as Product,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0255      TranType,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0256      Branch,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0257      PurchDate as [Transaction Date]

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0258  SQL SELECT Company,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0259      SupplierCode,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0260      APInvoice,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0261      FinancialYear,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0262      Month,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0263      Amount,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0264      Product,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0265      TranType,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0266      Branch,

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0267      PurchDate

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0268  FROM CACDB."Star_QVRSuppFact1"

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM:       Error:

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM:       General Script Error

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM:       Execution Failed

27/11/2015 8:07:16 PM:      Execution finished.

Thanks for your help



Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

It looks like the database object Star_QVRSuppFact1 does not exist, or is returning an error code, or the script is being denied access. Try executing the same SQL statement in another tool (like SQL MS or Toad) to see a more detailed error.

And share the part of the script containing the last SQL SELECT.

Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
Champion III
Champion III


Can can you try to load below table individually and make sure it reload successfully.




Not applicable

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for your reply.

The database object Star_QVRSuppFact1 does exist, it is a SQL view in the pervasive database. Generally the script runs fine just every few nights the document fails. I have tried opening a new document and just adding this view and reloads with no issues.

Here is a copy of the log when it reloads with no issues: (Again I have removed the username and the branch names under the BranchMap part of the reload)

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      Execution started.

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      QlikView Version:11.20.12904.0

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      CPU Target                    x64

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      Operating System              Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Service Pack 1 (64 bit edition)

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      Wow64 mode                    Not using Wow64

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      MDAC Version                  6.1.7601.17514

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      MDAC Full Install Version     6.1.7601.17514

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      PreferredCompression          2

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      EnableParallelReload          1

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      ParallelizeQvdLoads           1

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      AutoSaveAfterReload           0

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      BackupBeforeReload            0

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      EnableFlushLog                0

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      SaveInfoWhenSavingFile        0

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      UserLogfileCharset            1200

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      OdbcLoginTimeout              -1

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      OdbcConnectionTimeout         -1

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      ScriptWantsDbWrite            false

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      ScriptWantsExe                false

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:      LogFile CodePage Used:        1200

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:       Reload Executed By

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:       Process Executing: QVB

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM:       Process ID: 144328

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0002  SET ThousandSep=','

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0003  SET DecimalSep='.'

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0004  SET MoneyThousandSep=','

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0005  SET MoneyDecimalSep='.'

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0006  SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;-$#,##0.00'

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0007  SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT'

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0008  SET DateFormat='D/MM/YYYY'

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0009  SET TimestampFormat='D/MM/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT'

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0010  SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec'

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0011  SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun'

1/12/2015 8:00:02 PM: 0013  ODBC CONNECT32*

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0016  BranchMap:

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0017  LOAD * INLINE [

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0018      Branch, Business Unit, BranchShortCode, ReportingBranch

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0019      , Stores, HS,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0020      , NA,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0021      , Stores, NP,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0022      , RO,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0023      , Other, HW,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0024      , Other, HC,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0025  ]

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM:       4 fields found: Branch, Business Unit, BranchShortCode, ReportingBranch, 6 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0043  let NumOfDays=(MonthEnd(today())-'01/04/2008')

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0045  Dates:

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0046  LOAD

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0047   Date('01/04/2008'+ rowno() -1,'DD/MM/YYYY') as [Transaction Date],

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0048   Month(Date('01/04/2008'+ rowno() -1,'DD/MM/YYYY')) &' ' &year(Date('01/04/2008'+ rowno() -1,'DD/MM/YYYY')) as MonthYear,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0049   Year(Date('01/04/2008'+ rowno() -1,'DD/MM/YYYY')) as Year

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0050  Autogenerate 2830.9999999884+1

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM:       3 fields found: Transaction Date, MonthYear, Year, 2,831 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0053  FinancialMonths:

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0054  LOAD * INLINE [

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0055      Month, FinancialMonth, FinMonthNbr, FinancialQuarter

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0056      Apr, Apr, 1, Q1

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0057      May, May, 2, Q1

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0058      Jun, Jun, 3, Q1

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0059      Jul, Jul, 4, Q2

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0060      Aug, Aug, 5, Q2

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0061      Sep, Sep, 6, Q2

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0062      Oct, Oct, 7, Q3

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0063      Nov, Nov, 8, Q3

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0064      Dec, Dec, 9, Q3

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0065      Jan, Jan, 10, Q4

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0066      Feb, Feb, 11, Q4

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0067      Mar, Mar, 12, Q4

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0068  ]

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM:       4 fields found: Month, FinancialMonth, FinMonthNbr, FinancialQuarter, 12 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0070  Customers:

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0071  LOAD Company&':'&Customer as CustomerCoyKey,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0072      Customer,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0073      DiscGroup as [Discount Group],

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0074      DiscType as [Customer Type],

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0075      Salep as [Sales Rep 1],

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0076      Salep1 as [Sales Rep 2],

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0077      RowNo() as CustSeqNbr

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0078  SQL SELECT Company,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0079      Customer,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0080      DiscGroup,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0081      DiscType,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0082      Salep,

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0083      Salep1

1/12/2015 8:00:03 PM: 0084  FROM CACDB."Star_QVRCustomers"

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM:       7 fields found: CustomerCoyKey, Customer, Discount Group, Customer Type, Sales Rep 1, Sales Rep 2, CustSeqNbr, 3,837 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0086  Transactions:

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0087  LOAD

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0088   Company&':'&Customer as CustomerCoyKey,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0089   Branch&'/'&StockNbr as BranchStockNbrKey,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0090   Company,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0091      InvoiceNbr,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0092      SaleDate as [Transaction Date],

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0093      FinancialYear,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0094      Month,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0095      Sales,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0096      Cost,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0097      Quantity,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0098      UOM,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0099      UnitCost,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0100      GrossProfit,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0101      GrossProfit / Sales as [GP %],

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0102      StockNbr,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0103      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0104      Product,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0105      Category,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0106      SubCategory,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0107      PreferredSupplier,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0108      SalesRep as [Invoice Rep]

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0109  SQL SELECT Company,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0110      Customer,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0111      InvoiceNbr,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0112      SaleDate,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0113      FinancialYear,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0114      Month,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0115      Sales,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0116      Cost,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0117      Quantity,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0118      UOM,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0119      UnitCost,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0120      GrossProfit,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0121      StockNbr,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0122      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0123      Product,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0124      Category,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0125      SubCategory,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0126      PreferredSupplier,

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0127      SalesRep

1/12/2015 8:00:04 PM: 0128  FROM CACDB."Star_OILNEFact"

1/12/2015 8:00:05 PM:       21 fields found: CustomerCoyKey, BranchStockNbrKey, Company, InvoiceNbr, Transaction Date, FinancialYear, Month, Sales, Cost, Quantity, UOM, UnitCost, GrossProfit, GP %, StockNbr, Branch, Product, Category, SubCategory, PreferredSupplier, Invoice Rep, 907,678 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0130  Concatenate(Transactions)

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0131 

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0132  LOAD

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0133   Company&':'&Customer as CustomerCoyKey,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0134   Branch&'/'&StockNbr as BranchStockNbrKey,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0135   Company,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0136      InvoiceNbr,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0137      SaleDate as [Transaction Date],

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0138      FinancialYear,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0139      Month,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0140      Sales,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0141      Cost,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0142      FreightCost,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0143      Quantity,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0144      UOM,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0145      UnitCost,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0146      GrossProfit,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0147      GrossProfit / Sales as [GP %],

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0148      StockNbr,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0149      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0150      Product,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0151      Category,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0152      SubCategory,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0153      PreferredSupplier,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0154      SalesRep as [Invoice Rep]

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0155  SQL SELECT Company,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0156      Customer,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0157      InvoiceNbr,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0158      SaleDate,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0159      FinancialYear,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0160      Month,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0161      Sales,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0162      Cost,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0163      FreightCost,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0164      Quantity,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0165      UOM,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0166      UnitCost,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0167      GrossProfit,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0168      StockNbr,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0169      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0170      Product,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0171      Category,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0172      SubCategory,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0173      PreferredSupplier,

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0174      SalesRep

1/12/2015 8:05:22 PM: 0175  FROM CACDB."Star_DSLNEFact"

1/12/2015 8:05:23 PM:       22 fields found: CustomerCoyKey, BranchStockNbrKey, Company, InvoiceNbr, Transaction Date, FinancialYear, Month, Sales, Cost, FreightCost, Quantity, UOM, UnitCost, GrossProfit, GP %, StockNbr, Branch, Product, Category, SubCategory, PreferredSupplier, Invoice Rep, 991,499 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0194  Suppliers:

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0195  LOAD

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0196   Company&':'&SupplierCode as SupplierCoyKey,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0197      Supplier,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0198      SupplierCode,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0199      APStatus,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0200      RowNo() as SuppSeqNbr

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0201  SQL SELECT Company,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0202      Supplier,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0203      SupplierCode,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0204      APStatus

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0205  FROM CACDB."Star_QVRSuppliers"

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM:       5 fields found: SupplierCoyKey, Supplier, SupplierCode, APStatus, SuppSeqNbr, 1,232 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0207  Concatenate(Transactions)

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0208  LOAD

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0209   Company&':'&SupplierCode as SupplierCoyKey,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0210   Branch&'/'&StockNbr as BranchStockNbrKey,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0211   Company,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0212      APInvoice,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0213      PurchDate as [Transaction Date],

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0214      FinancialYear,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0215      Month,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0216      Purchases,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0217      Quantity as PurchQuantity,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0218      UOM,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0219      UnitCost,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0220      StockNbr,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0221      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0222      if(TranType<>'GL',Product,'GL ' &trim(GLAccount) &' - ' &Product) as Product,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0223      GLAccount,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0224      Category,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0225      SubCategory,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0226      TranType

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0227  SQL SELECT Company,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0228      SupplierCode,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0229      APInvoice,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0230      PurchDate,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0231      FinancialYear,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0232      Month,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0233      Purchases,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0234      Quantity,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0235      UOM,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0236      UnitCost,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0237      StockNbr,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0238      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0239      Product,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0240      GLAccount,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0241      Category,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0242      SubCategory,

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0243      TranType

1/12/2015 8:06:21 PM: 0244  FROM CACDB."Star_QVRSuppFact"

1/12/2015 8:06:22 PM:       18 fields found: SupplierCoyKey, BranchStockNbrKey, Company, APInvoice, Transaction Date, FinancialYear, Month, Purchases, PurchQuantity, UOM, UnitCost, StockNbr, Branch, Product, GLAccount, Category, SubCategory, TranType, 1,371,717 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0246  Concatenate(Transactions)

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0247  LOAD

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0248   Company&':'&SupplierCode as SupplierCoyKey,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0249   Company,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0250      APInvoice,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0251      FinancialYear,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0252      Month,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0253      Amount as Purchases,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0254      'GL ' &Product as Product,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0255      TranType,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0256      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0257      PurchDate as [Transaction Date]

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0258  SQL SELECT Company,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0259      SupplierCode,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0260      APInvoice,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0261      FinancialYear,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0262      Month,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0263      Amount,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0264      Product,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0265      TranType,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0266      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0267      PurchDate

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM: 0268  FROM CACDB."Star_QVRSuppFact1"

1/12/2015 8:07:14 PM:       10 fields found: SupplierCoyKey, Company, APInvoice, FinancialYear, Month, Purchases, Product, TranType, Branch, Transaction Date, 1,384,544 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0270  Concatenate(Transactions)

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0271  LOAD

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0272   Date#(Text(Date(MonthEnd(Date#('01/' &Month &'/' &Year,'DD/MMM/YYYY')),'DD/MM/YYYY')),'DD/MM/YYYY') as [Transaction Date],

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0273   Company,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0274   Branch&'/'&StockNbr as BranchStockNbrKey,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0275      StockNbr,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0276      Product,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0277      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0278      Category,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0279      SubCategory,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0280      BIN,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0281      SLOB,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0282      AcctgSLOB,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0283      InGMROI,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0284      InGMROIa,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0285      UOM,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0286      QtySOH as GMROI_QtySOH,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0287      UnitCost as GMROI_UnitCost,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0288      ValueSOH as GMROI_ValueSOH,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0289      AvgSOH as GMROI_AvgSOH,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0290      SalesQty as GMROI_SalesQty,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0291      Sales as GMROI_Sales,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0292      COG as GMROI_COG,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0293      StockTurn,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0294      GrossMargin as GMROI_GrossMargin,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0295      GMROI,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0296      ProductAdded,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0297      LastPurchDate,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0298      LastSaleDate,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0299      Status

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0300  SQL SELECT Year,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0301      Month,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0302      Company,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0303      StockNbr,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0304      Product,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0305      Branch,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0306      Category,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0307      SubCategory,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0308      BIN,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0309      SLOB,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0310      AcctgSLOB,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0311      InGMROI,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0312      InGMROIa,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0313      UOM,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0314      QtySOH,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0315      UnitCost,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0316      ValueSOH,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0317      AvgSOH,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0318      SalesQty,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0319      Sales,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0320      COG,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0321      StockTurn,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0322      GrossMargin,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0323      GMROI,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0324      ProductAdded,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0325      LastPurchDate,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0326      LastSaleDate,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0327      Status,

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0328      SupplierCode

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM: 0329  FROM CACDB."Star_GMROIFact"

1/12/2015 8:07:16 PM:       28 fields found: Transaction Date, Company, BranchStockNbrKey, StockNbr, Product, Branch, Category, SubCategory, BIN, SLOB, AcctgSLOB, InGMROI, InGMROIa, UOM, GMROI_QtySOH, GMROI_UnitCost, GMROI_ValueSOH, GMROI_AvgSOH, GMROI_SalesQty, GMROI_Sales, GMROI_COG, StockTurn, GMROI_GrossMargin, GMROI, ProductAdded, LastPurchDate, LastSaleDate, Status, 1,514,884 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0331  SellPriceTempTable:

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0332  load 

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0333   "IVPPR_Company" as Company,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0334   "IVPPR_Company"&'/'&"IVPPR_Location" as CoyLocKey,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0335   "IVPPR_StockNbr" as StockNbr,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0336   "IVPPR_Company"&'/'&"IVPPR_StockNbr" as CoySKUKey,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0337      "IVPPR_EffectiveDate" as EffectiveDate,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0338      "IVPPR_RetailPrice" as RetailPrice,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0339      "IVPPR_RetailPrice" - ("IVPPR_RetailPrice" * ("IVPPR_Trade1Disc"/100)) as Trade1Price,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0340      "IVPPR_Trade1Disc" as Trade1Disc,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0341      "IVPPR_RetailPrice" - ("IVPPR_RetailPrice" * ("IVPPR_Trade2Disc"/100)) as Trade2Price,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0342      "IVPPR_Trade2Disc" as Trade2Disc,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0343      "IVPPR_RetailPrice" - ("IVPPR_RetailPrice" * ("IVPPR_Trade3Disc"/100)) as Trade3Price,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0344      "IVPPR_Trade3Disc" as Trade3Disc,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0345      "IVPPR_RetailPrice" - ("IVPPR_RetailPrice" * ("IVPPR_Trade4Disc"/100)) as Trade4Price,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0346      "IVPPR_Trade4Disc" as Trade4Disc,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0347      "IVPPR_RetailPrice" - ("IVPPR_RetailPrice" * ("IVPPR_Trade5Disc"/100)) as Trade5Price,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0348      "IVPPR_Trade5Disc" as Trade5Disc,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0349      "IVPPR_RetailPrice" - ("IVPPR_RetailPrice" * ("IVPPR_StaffDisc"/100)) as StaffPrice,

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0350      "IVPPR_StaffDisc" as StaffDisc

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0351      WHERE "IVPPR_Name"='PRICE' and "IVPPR_Company"='CAC'

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0352  SQL SELECT

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0353   "IVPPR_Company",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0354   "IVPPR_StockNbr",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0355   "IVPPR_Location",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0356   "IVPPR_Name",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0357   "IVPPR_EffectiveDate",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0358   "IVPPR_RetailPrice",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0359      "IVPPR_Trade1Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0360      "IVPPR_Trade2Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0361      "IVPPR_Trade3Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0362      "IVPPR_Trade4Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0363      "IVPPR_Trade5Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0364      "IVPPR_Trade6Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0365      "IVPPR_Trade7Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0366      "IVPPR_Trade8Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0367      "IVPPR_Trade9Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0368      "IVPPR_Trade10Disc",

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0369      "IVPPR_StaffDisc"

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM: 0370  FROM CACDB."IVPPR_ProductPriceFi"

1/12/2015 8:07:42 PM:       18 fields found: Company, CoyLocKey, StockNbr, CoySKUKey, EffectiveDate, RetailPrice, Trade1Price, Trade1Disc, Trade2Price, Trade2Disc, Trade3Price, Trade3Disc, Trade4Price, Trade4Disc, Trade5Price, Trade5Disc, StaffPrice, StaffDisc, 206,198 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM: 0372  Left Join (SellPriceTempTable)

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM: 0373  LOAD "IVMST_PItemCoy"&'/'&"IVMST_StockNbr" as CoySKUKey,

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM: 0374      "IVMST_ProductCode" as ProductCode

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM: 0375      Where "IVMST_PItemCoy"='CAC'

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM: 0376  SQL SELECT "IVMST_PItemCoy",

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM: 0377      "IVMST_StockNbr",

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM: 0378      "IVMST_ProductCode"

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM: 0379  FROM CACDB."IVMST_ProductMaster"

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM:       2 fields found: CoySKUKey, ProductCode, 57,751 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:07:59 PM:       Joining/Keeping

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0381  Left Join (SellPriceTempTable)

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0382  LOAD

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0383   "SYLOC_Company"&'/'&"SYLOC_Location" as CoyLocKey,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0384      "SYLOC_Name" as Branch

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0385  SQL SELECT "SYLOC_Company",

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0386      "SYLOC_Location",

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0387      "SYLOC_Name"

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0388  FROM CACDB."SYLOC_Location"

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM:       2 fields found: CoyLocKey, Branch, 8 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM:       Joining/Keeping

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0390  SellPriceTempTable2:

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0391  Load

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0392   Branch&'/'&StockNbr as BranchStockNbrKey,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0393   ProductCode,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0394   EffectiveDate,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0395   RetailPrice,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0396   Trade1Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0397   Trade1Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0398   Trade2Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0399   Trade2Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0400   Trade3Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0401   Trade3Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0402   Trade4Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0403   Trade4Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0404   Trade5Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0405   Trade5Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0406   StaffPrice,

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0407   StaffDisc

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM: 0408   Resident SellPriceTempTable

1/12/2015 8:08:00 PM:       16 fields found: BranchStockNbrKey, ProductCode, EffectiveDate, RetailPrice, Trade1Price, Trade1Disc, Trade2Price, Trade2Disc, Trade3Price, Trade3Disc, Trade4Price, Trade4Disc, Trade5Price, Trade5Disc, StaffPrice, StaffDisc, 206,198 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:08:01 PM: 0410  DROP Table SellPriceTempTable

1/12/2015 8:08:01 PM: 0412  SellPriceTable:

1/12/2015 8:08:01 PM: 0413  load 

1/12/2015 8:08:01 PM: 0414   BranchStockNbrKey,

1/12/2015 8:08:01 PM: 0415   max(EffectiveDate) as EffectiveDate

1/12/2015 8:08:01 PM: 0416  Resident SellPriceTempTable2

1/12/2015 8:08:01 PM: 0417  Group by BranchStockNbrKey

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM:       2 fields found: BranchStockNbrKey, EffectiveDate, 60,104 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0419  Left Join (SellPriceTable)

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0420  LOAD

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0421   BranchStockNbrKey,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0422   ProductCode,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0423   EffectiveDate,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0424   RetailPrice,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0425   Trade1Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0426   Trade1Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0427   Trade2Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0428   Trade2Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0429   Trade3Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0430   Trade3Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0431   Trade4Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0432   Trade4Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0433   Trade5Price,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0434   Trade5Disc,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0435   StaffPrice,

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0436   StaffDisc

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0437   Resident SellPriceTempTable2

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM:       16 fields found: BranchStockNbrKey, ProductCode, EffectiveDate, RetailPrice, Trade1Price, Trade1Disc, Trade2Price, Trade2Disc, Trade3Price, Trade3Disc, Trade4Price, Trade4Disc, Trade5Price, Trade5Disc, StaffPrice, StaffDisc, 206,198 lines fetched

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM:       Joining/Keeping

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0439  drop table SellPriceTempTable2

1/12/2015 8:08:06 PM: 0441  EXIT Script

1/12/2015 8:08:08 PM:      Execution finished.

Thank you very much for you help.



Not applicable

Hi Ashfaq,

Thanks for your reply.

I have tried opening a new document and just adding that view / table CACDB."Star_QVRSuppFact1" and tried reloading it multiple times through the developer / desktop and it reloads with no problems.

I haven't added this new test document to the server auto reload, should I try that and see if I have the issues?

Thank you very much for your help.



Partner - Champion
Partner - Champion

Looks like an issue in the source server at the time of the reload, maybe a backup progress, or something of that ilk.

Or possibly an out of memory situation on the QV Server.



Champion III
Champion III


And make sure your service account have access to required resources as well.
