Hi Folks,
If any one interest to freeze all the data by month wise from sql and append it in the qvd to verify the changes per each month. It will help it.
Let vQVDPath = 'D:\';
Let vFreezeTableName = 'MONTH_FREEZE';
LET vNow = Now();
'$(vNow)' AS MonthFreezeTime,
Floor(Today()) AS MonthFreezeDate,
Floor(MonthEnd(Today(), -1)) AS MonthFreezeDataUptoDate;
SQL Select * from tablename;
//Check the qvd is exists or not
LET vListQVDExists = not isnull(QVDCreateTime('$(vQVDPath)\$(vFreezeTableName).qvd'));
//If exists , concatenate with existing qvds
If($(vListQVDExists)) then
//Find the maximum date
LOAD Max(MonthFreezeDate) AS MaxFreezeDateNum Resident $(vFreezeTableName);
//Get the maximum date_num
Let vMaxFreezeNum = Num(Peek('MaxFreezeDateNum',-1, 'MaxFreezeDate'));
//Drop the temporary table
DROP Table MaxFreezeDate;
LOAD * From
Where MonthFreezeDate < $(vMaxFreezeNum);
//Store freeze data into qvd
STORE $(vFreezeTableName) into $(vQVDPath)\$(vFreezeTableName).qvd(qvd);
//Drop the temporary table
DROP Table $(vFreezeTableName);
//Exit script
EXIT Script;