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Do More with Qlik - Qlik Cloud Analytics Recap and Getting Started, June 19: REGISTER
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Extensions not working in Server


I have been reading about extensions in server (Qlik Tips: Beginners Guide to QlikView Extension Objects : Part 1). I have started by the classic 'Hello World'. I have located the extensions in the server and created mine in there. I can see my extension to insert it, but when I create my extension in the qlikview document it's only an empty box. I have tried to insert one extension from the qlikview examples, the  Web Page Viewer, and it works.

Can anybody help me?

This is what I see when I insert my extension and I should see a 'Hello world' sentence

I have also attached my Definition.xml, and Script.js files.

1 Reply
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Hi Ismael,

The new extension object folder which you are creating should be placed in should

AppData\Local\QlikTech\QlikView\Extensions\Objects\[Your Object Name].

And in the script.js, it should'nt be


but it should be


