Hi all,
does anyone knows how to upgrade an extension which is already used in some documents in the following particular situation?:
- Create a simple extension (One dimension and one Expression object, in the script alert the data.Rows.length)
- Add the extension to a QlikView document and set the dimension value (select a field) . Save and close the document.
- Edit the definition.xml and add a second expression
- Reopen the QlikView document and there are no data anymore!!
- Remove the Extension object from the document and add the extension again and it will work.
I have attached a simple expample:
- install upgrade.qar
- Open upgrade.qvw - it will show "Data rows count 10"
- Close the document
- There is a second definition file inside the extension folder: Definition_2.xml (which has just a second expression defined) , rename it to definition.xml
- Reopen the upgrade.qvw - it will show: "Data rows count 0"
I hope anyone has an idea how to solve this issue, because every time my extension changes i have to recreate all the existing documents which are using my extension. Even this happens only one time, it is not feasible to any customer.