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Qlik Sense Enterprise Scalability Tools

Note: Our legacy performance testing offering can be found here: Qlik Sense Scalability Tools.

The Qlik Sense Enterprise Scalability Tools are used to create and run load and performance tests towards Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows (QSEfW).

Included parts are:

  • Documentation on how to use the package
  • Command line tool for Windows, Mac and Linux. This command line tool (gopherciser) is open source and can be found here .
  • GUI for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Downloadable files can be found here:
📎 Qlik Sense Enterprise Scalability Tools 

Qlik Sense documents to help analyze result and log files can be found here :

Change log


  • Updated scheduler
  • Gopherciser v0.18.5 - v0.18.7
    • performance enhancements
    • new action stepdimension

v1.11.0 - v1.11.1

  • Gopherciser v0.17.26 - v0.18.5
    • Bugfixes

v1.10.2 - v1.11.0

  • Support for Feb 2024 Sense release
  • Gopherciser v0.17.21 -> v0.17.26
    • Bugfixes
    • Report sub hypercube errors as errors instead of warnings (unless calculation condition)

v1.10.1 - v1.10.2

  • Rebranded with new Qlik Logo

v1.10.0 - v1.10.1

  • Gopherciser v0.17.7 -> v0.17.21
    • Added support for layout container object
    • Added support for new pivot table
    • Added support for sn-text object
    • Added support for sn-table object
    • Added support for sn-shape object
    • Added hyper cube sub-errors as warnings (These warnings will become errors in v1.11.0)

v1.9.0 - v1.10.0

  • Gopherciser v0.17.7 -> v0.17.11
    • Open Hub Api compliance August 2023 release
    • Open App Api compliance August 2023 release

v1.8.0 - v.1.9.0

  • Updated scheduler
  • Updated reglog
  • Gopherciser v0.17.4 -> v0.17.7
    • Changed parameters for prometheus push gateway
    • bugfixes


  • Updated scheduler
  • Gopherciser v0.17.0 -> v0.17.4
    • Configurable max websocket frame size
    • Improved disonnect discoverability
    • Add in-mem Get app structure method
    • [Apicompliance] openapp
    • Bugfixes

v1.6.0 - v1.7.0

  • New installer - Option for personal install which should solve issues with "Administrator" privileges.
  • Updated scheduler
  • Gopherciser v0.16.2 -> v0.17.0
    • Bugfixes
    • Add option to print result json to script validate command
    • Updated api compliance for openhub action.

Your use of Qlik Sense Enterprise Scalability Tools will be subject to the same license agreement between you and Qlik for your Qlik Sense License. Qlik does not provide maintenance and support services for the Qlik Sense Enterprise Scalability Tools, however please check QlikCommunity for additional information on use of these products.

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101 Replies

@bibhusharma05 wrote:

Hi Daniel,

We are trying to use this tool to do performance testing with QlikSense hosted on Google Cloud Environment where authentication is SAML. Can we use scalability too to connect with QlikSense on GCP?

Bibhu Sharma 

There's no out of the box support for custom authentication.

With some work it's however possible. The GUI uses this tool to run the actual simulations. . This can be extended with custom actions performing the login. The custom gopherciser can then be loaded into the GUI (or be run from command line). There's a template repo on how to extend the tool with custom actions here:
It does however not include an example with a custom authentication action.

Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi, there! I'm attempting to import the 200M-PTSalesAnalytics-v3.qvf into my Qlik Sense Enterprise environment (Feb 2021) and the app import fails immediately. Any suggestions?


There can be various reasons for app import failure. It would be helpful to check the logs of Repository and Engine to find out the actual cause of failure. Could you please check the logs and let us know?



Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi Rohit, thanks for responding. I've tried importing the app again and it fails immediately. I went to check the logs for Repository and Engine folders and none of the files or sub folders were updated with the timestamp of when I tried the import. I also checked the App Migration folder and the log folder hadn't been updated either. It doesn't look like anything is being written to the logs folder in order to identify why it's failing. 


It is very strange that no logs are being written. It indicates that there might be something wrong with the deployment. I would recommend to do the following:

  • Please restart all Qlik Sense Services and try to open QMC and Hub after that to make sure your deployment is working correctly. If there are no new files for logs at the logs location(C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log), they might be being written at a different path which must have been entered during the installation. Did you enable central logging at the time of installation? If yes, there is a knowledge article about it
  • Also please check if you have enough disk space available on the central node.
  • If you find your deployment to be working correctly and you can open QMC, hub, an existing apps. Please try app import with a tiny app just to make sure that app import is working. 

Contributor II
Contributor II

  • All Qlik Sense services were restarted, QMC and Hub are working correctly, and new files for logs are being written in the C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log location. 
  • Central Logging is set to true.
  • There is enough disk space on the central node. (This installation is a single node configuration).
  • I'm able to successfully import a smaller app so the import is working in the environment. 

Are you able to provide the 200M-PTSalesAnalytics-v3.qvf without data so I could see if that imports? 



It is great that all things are fine and you see logs being written. So coming back to the original suggestion, what are the errors shown in the logs when you try to import this app? The logs must state why did the app import fail. That would be helpful to know the cause of failure. 



Contributor II
Contributor II

I tried importing an app that I know will import successfully and I see the logs get updated. Right after that I attempt to import the 200M-PTSalesAnalytics-v3.qvf, it fails immediately then check the same logs and nothing new is written to the log. I'm looking at the following logs:

  • C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log\Repository\Trace\SERVERNAME_System_Repository.txt
  • C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log\Repository\Trace\SERVERNAME_Audit_Repository.txt
  • C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log\Repository\Audit\SERVERNAME_AuditActivity_Repository.txt
  • C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log\Engine\Trace\SERVERNAME_System_Engine.txt
  • C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log\Engine\Audit\SERVERNAME_AuditActivity_Engine.txt


Thanks for your answers. I need to dig it a bit more. I would need following details related to your environment-

  • Operating system and version
  • Machine details like Processor, number of cores, etc
  • Disk size on the machine and available disk size.
  • RAM size on the machine.
  • Browser client you are using.

I would also like to know the way you are importing the app in your environment. I meant if you are using QMC or some other scripted way?

From where did you download the app and where did you save the downloaded app? Is it on remote location or is it on the same Qlik Sense server disk? What is the size of the downloaded app on your downloaded location? 

Could you please check if there is Windows event log created on your machine when import fails? 

I would also like to know if the user account QSE services are running with, has the access to the location from where you are reading the app to import in?

This will help me to understand the problem a bit better.




Contributor II
Contributor II

Operating system and version: Windows Server 2016 with 8 cores on server and licensed for 4 cores for Qlik Sense Enterprise. Disk size on the server and available disk size. C: - 126 GB with 20.6 GB free space. 64 GB RAM on server.

I’m using Chrome. I’m importing via the QMC.

I downloaded 200M-PTSalesAnalytics-v3.qvf app from here: ScalabilityLab-Public > HW BM Package > downloaded 200M-PTSalesAnalytics-v3.qvf. When I download the file it’s saved to my own computer downloads (size: 5.45 GB). But I also saved it on server (same file size 5.45 GB) and attempted to import via the QMC (logged in as service account) and the import still failed. There were no Windows Event Logs created when the import failed.

Thank you for your assistance.