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Option to Reverse Direction of Bullet Chart

Contributor III
Contributor III

Option to Reverse Direction of Bullet Chart

It would be great if the native Bullet chart object had the ability to reverse the direction of the bar as per the recommended best practice put forth by the inventor of the Bullet chart, Stephen Few.  This is a superior visual cue to indicate that for some measures, lower values are better (such as expenses or number of defects).  Please see the specification document available on Stephen Few's blog (Perceptual Edge) for further information:


Thank you all for your feedback on ways to improve our product. While this is something we understand would be useful, it's not on the short-term roadmap. Please continue to show your support for this idea by commenting and liking.

Meanwhile, it's possible to setup individual segments colors per measure and achieve the same effect.




Status changed to: Open - Collecting Feedback

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Explorer II
Explorer II
Status changed to: Closed - Archived