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Q&A with Qlik: New to Qlik Cloud January 2024

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Q&A with Qlik: New to Qlik Cloud January 2024

Last Update:

Feb 6, 2024 2:51:29 AM

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Created date:

Feb 6, 2024 2:51:29 AM



  • Qlik Cloud



Welcome to Q&A with Qlik. Today's session is New to Qlik Cloud.
Our next session will be Tuesday, February 27, and that's going to be Qlik Replicate Best Practices.
Just to introduce myself, my name is Troy Rainey. I largely work putting together webinars
and videos like this one and we've got an expert panel for you. I'll just take it around.
Everybody just quickly introduce themselves. Welcome, Andrew.
Thank you. I'm with Qlik Support. I've been here for about two years. Awesome.
And Frank. Hi, this is Frank Savino. I've been with Qlik for a combined service of ten years now.
Just over and looking forward to your questions today. Congratulations on hitting that milestone. That's big.
And Vinay, thank you, Troy. Hello everyone, I'm Vinay and I've been
with Qlik for almost four years now and I work with SaaS customers.
Insight on having multiple tenants.
Awesome. Thank you. Our first question, is it recommended to have one tenant
for data modeling and reloads and another tenant for visualization and analytics?
Anybody want to address that? Yeah, I think what the purpose of that is just to have the similar environment
to on premise where you're doing your testing in one place and your production activities in another, simply keeping the two.
It's basically emulating your on premise environment. If you had on premise environment,
if you're using SaaS entirely and have not had an on premise, it's just a typical
standard industry best practice to do these kinds of methods, test and prod.
I mean, that's just something normal. But I wouldn't say separate tenant is necessary.
Would you recommend using separate spaces?
That's just one way. Sure. You can also use separate spaces as well. Absolutely.
It's certainly one way to do it for sure. Okay. The great thing about cloud too is that it
automatically scales workloads for enterprise customers. Even so, you can consolidate all of your
data and analytics solutions in one hub, basically. So you do have the option for one tenant to combine both of those functionalities.
Great. All right, I'll move on to the next one.
How to view the public sheet owner in Qlik cloud?
How can we see the sheet owner for public sheets in Qlik cloud like it is for client managed Qlik Sense?
Anev, did you want to take that one? Yeah. So for the public sheets, it's not possible to find out who is
the actual owner, but whoever is going to make that sheet private is going to be owner of that public sheet.
So basically what has to be taken into account is that only users with selected roles can make the sheets public and private.
So you can find out who has the access to make the sheets public and private and create the private sheets.
Permission level required to set sheets as public?
And what's the permission level that's required to be able to make a sheet public?
Yeah, it depends upon the type of licenses the user has, and it also depends upon if it's a shared or a managed page.
Let me share that help site link where we have those clarifications done.
Oh great. And if you run into trouble, make sure your entitlements, whether you're capacity based or subscription based,
have can view when you add users to a space or to an app, can view. That's good.
All right, well, I'll share that link. I'll move on to the next question.
Hybrid cloud environments and Cloud Storage
What is your approach for hybrid cloud environments to enable Qlik cloud to leverage existing AWS,
FSX or Azure file shares used by Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows?
What I have seen the storage connectors only connect to EBS or S3, not the actual managed file shares.
So talking about hybrid environments and cloud storage.
So basically your data is coming from a file in a file share somewhere
and you want sounds like yeah, I think that's data transfer
and I don't believe data Gateway can handle that at the moment.
But that feature is coming, I understand, from talking to the developers in the data gateway, I'm not sure if it's first or second half
of 2024, but data transfer certainly does do file transfer from network locations.
And not a map drive either. It needs to be a shared network location via data transfer.
I don't know if that answers your question, but those are a couple of options for data connections.
Okay, great. I'm just sharing a link to
Vinay found and I'll post these in the chat and I'll post these links
along the recording later this week as well to the documentation about managing permissions in managed spaces and in shared spaces.
Thank you for that, Vinay. Next question, can the connection to files in shared
Creating file connecting via Qlik Data Transfer
folder be created using Qlik data transfer? It's very much on topic. Let's address that one first.
Can connections to files in a shared film? Yeah, I think that's pretty much what I was just.
Yeah, exactly what you just commenting on right now. Keep in mind there is a limit.
So I'm glad that question got asked because we're seeing a lot of, well, not a lot, but some customers are starting to call in with transfer errors.
The reason we're getting transfer errors is there's actually a limit of 200 tables or files with click data transfer.
So you've got to mind the number of files you're actually transferring from an on premise source.
That's interesting. Okay. Yeah, and that's as well. It's actually written as a limitation in the documentation.
Best way of sharing apps
Okay, and I'll read the follow up. What is the recommended way for sharing the apps?
Use shared space for collaborators working on the same app and use managed space for users who view the apps.
That's basically correct, yeah. Great. And a third follow up to that one.
Does Qlik Sense Cloud storage include a hierarchy function?
Can the QBD files be stored into folder hierarchy in Qlik Sense cloud?
Currently there is no folder hierarchy in Qlik Sense cloud. It is just a space where you can store
your data, but there is no hierarchy or a file structure in. Qlik Cloud because you use the user roles to kind of control access to those, right?
Yeah. And the same way where you can manage the files like folders within folders,
that is not currently possible in Qlik Cloud. Okay, thank you.
Creating connection with SAP connector in Qlik Cloud
What function has the SAP connector in Qlik Sense? SaaS in Qlik Cloud, I would say.
What is the context for that question? Yeah, I can say that I know when you're creating connections in the cloud, there are some SAP connectors there.
And I recently did a textbook talk all about data Gateway and we had a question come up
about SAP HANA and that was listed, but when it came to on-prem,
there wasn't a connector through the data gateway. But there was an option recently available with the ODBC connector to connect to.
SAP Hana using the generic ODBC connector.
Yeah, exactly. So yeah, we could use a little more context for that, but as far as I know it is possible.
I'll move on to the next question.
Enabling third party extension
Question about the subscription feature in cloud. This is very useful and exciting feature. However, this doesn't seem to work for third party extensions such as Vizlib.
Is there a way to enable that? We have a lot of third party extensions because of the look and feel of those.
Thanks. Yeah, that's a good question. It comes up every now and then about third party extensions, specifically bizlib.
Does anybody have any insight? Yeah, it's not possible to enable to export those data due to
security rules or the governance of Qlik Cloud, but I can say that it's underway
and they are currently working to build that option. But I don't have an ETA or anything,
but I do remember seeing ideation and that's being currently under be.
There should be an update on the ideation. Great.
And just mentioning ideation. I wanted to bring it up for everybody. This is a page on Qlik community,
if you haven't seen it, where users and customers like yourselves can submit ideas and kind of upvote ideas, ideas for feature improvements,
feature requests and product improvements so you can find what other people have
already submitted and vote them up and kind of motivate product management to start incorporating your ideas into the product.
So this is a section on Qlik community that's a good idea to keep an eye on and I'll include the link to this in the chat and I don't know if these
links are clickable in the chat, but you can always copy them.
All right, next question. All right, moving on to the next question.
Best practices for creating visualizations.
For marketing teams trying to corral analytics from multiple content platforms like Facebook, YouTube, et cetera,
what is your philosophy or best practice approach for how to create visualizations that connect the dots between the different platforms, I.E
what type of visualizations are best for overall brand engagement dashboard featuring multiple channels?
That's a good question. When it comes to app design,
I always lean on our design blog in Qlik community, Patrick Nordstrom.
He's one that we featured in a few Techperts talks and even a Q&A with Qlik once and he's really good at trying
to solve these use case problems when it comes to visualizations and I'm sure he has some good ideas.
Unfortunately, he's not on the call with us today, but I can provide a link to the design blog for you to check it out and he's always out there.
But if you're not finding what you're looking for specifically, we also have a forum on Qlik community.
Let me see if I can find that. Here we go.
This is our Qlik community main page and here you can see forums
and I guess it would be app development.
There's also integration extensions APIs. We had a related question, but
there is a design blog on here and I'll try and find the link. I don't think it's right at the top.
Oh, it is. Design blog is a great blog when it comes
to keeping track on visualization capabilities and giving ideas for things
like all right, moving on to the next question.
Internal and external user access via IdP
Can we provide access to individual users within the company and external users from outside clients?
It's a good question. I think the big consideration there is the IdP that's being in use, right?
Because we can only have one active idP. So as long as those users from different locations can use the same
IdP authentication, then it should work, right? So it's all about deciding what sort of IdP to use and if your internal IdP can
allow access to external users, then Qlik. Is this connector comparable to the SAP
SAP connectors available in Qlik Cloud
connector which a customer can purchase on the normal on-prem way.
I guess we're talking about the SAP connectors that are available in Qlik Cloud.
There are differences between Cloud connectors and On-prem connectors quite often.
So I would take that case by case basically. Yeah. So it depends.
There are capabilities out there. But yeah, it's hard to say definitively one way or the other.
It would also depend where the data source is too. Right?
There's more available web connectors, right. For cloud data sources, for example, that are available to Qlik Cloud
capabilities can vary depending on where the data is coming from. Great.
And if you are connecting to an On-prem SAP database there is a connector for that.
And if it's not specific, there has been some testing like
I mentioned with SAP HANA, that it will work through the ODBC generic connector.
But not all those sources have been tested fully. But that one has. Yeah, I recently saw an example of it was SAP HANA S2 I think it is, or S3.
Okay, so if that was on the cloud, if the data source was actually hosted
in SAP SaaS, that's something that's still in development. But if you had an internal SAP HANA source in your own environment and you were using
Qlik Cloud, that could be accessed using data integration and a gateway.
So yeah, it really depends on the scenario. Is Qlik cloud capable of performing all the functions that Qlik N-printing can?
Tabular Reporting and Excel addon
Specifically, can it generate extensive Excel reports containing multiple sheets?
Frank, I saw you addressing that. Can you speak to that one? Yeah, so I started to write an answer.
I don't know if it actually went in there or not, but no, it's not one to one at the moment. Qlik Tabular Reporting.
So there's Qlik Reporting Service which basically encompasses tabular reporting, which is the closest experience
to end printing that you'll find in Qlik Cloud. It is not N-printing, let me be clear about that.
It is a separate entity in and of itself. But it does look a lot like imprinting has a lot of the same similar features.
Keep in mind that tabular reporting does not encompass PowerPoint reports or HTML.
All the other items that you'll see in imprinting at the moment, but it is building out and there is a community forum and I've
posted that link in the oh and Troy posted it in there as well to get your latest updates on tabular reporting and the other reporting services
like automation reporting services and those types of things.
So keep an eye on that forum for updates. And one of the things that's not available right now in tabular reporting is cycles.
So not all the features are there yet. It is quite new, came out in December.
So bear with us while we build that out for you. But there's a lot of cool features in there right now that are available.
PowerPoint and like I said, PowerPoint, HTML and other output formats may not be
there yet, but it's nice to see the familiarity.
I can tell you personally because you probably all know that I worked with imprinting for the last ten years, so it's nice to see that familiarity
of N-printing in the cloud, not imprinting but similar to so bear with us while we get those similarities back over time.
Yeah, and I was involved in helping make a video for some of this capability, so I just wanted to kind of highlight that it is pretty cool that there's
a Qlik plugin or add in as it's called in Excel to help you bring in Qlik
objects from your cloud analytics apps into Excel. Once you create that connection, it's pretty cool.
Can we send invitation emails from the QMC?
It is pretty cool, yeah. Thank you. All right, next question.
While granting access, can we send invitation emails from the QMC?
You can't access send an invitation if the user hasn't actually authenticated to Qlik Cloud yet.
So if you are still sending an invitation, you can't alert the new user that you have granted access to particular apps.
You can only grant access to the apps who are currently authenticated to Qlik.
You can send them invitations to the tenant, right? Yeah. I mean you're adding a user, but they need to log in first
with that invitation before they can get access to apps. Yes, correct. Okay, so if you are using an IdP and if you want users to access as soon as
they log in, what you can do is if you have like Azure or any Okta or some IdPs,
you can add those groups to the space membership so that if users log in, they can all know since they're part of that IbP, groups can only access
the spaces and apps inside those spaces according to the level of roles they have.
Great, thank you. All right, and I see a couple of questions sneaking into the chat.
Let me see. Just scroll up and find that. All right, is there an ETA when multiple IdPs will be supported.
Multiple IdPs support
Simultaneously, I assume? Yeah, just to clarify, you can have multiple
IdPs, but only one can be active at a time so you can kind of set it up. But yeah, only one at a time as far as I understand.
Anyone want to address any plans for that to change?
That's product management. I believe they're talking about it
in the shadows or what have you but we're not aware of it.
Guys, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we're aware of any timeline in h one or h two, first, second half of 2024 at least.
But put your idea in the Ideation. The Ideation links are in the chat.
The idea is open, and it's been open for quite a while now.
It's on there? Yeah. All right. My eyes can't focus on all that small
text, but it's in there, so just give it an upvote. All right, moving on to the next question.
If you're using an IdP like Azure, you lose the ability to invite users to the tenant.
Once they have access via IdP, then you can grant. I guess that's what we're talking about before.
Yes. So if you have a third party IdPs like Azure, you won't be able to invite the users.
You have to just give them a tenant URL and they can access the tenant.
And with regards to the granting access, you have to invite them or add via
the groups, or you have to wait until the users actually log into the tenant to add them to the space membership.
Okay, how would that work? If the user is a part of a group, but hasn't logged into the tenant yet,
and you grant access for a space with apps to a group,
would they be able to get access once they log in? Yeah. So basically,
if you have a group and Qlik cloud can only recognize those groups until one
of the members of that group can log into the tenant. So basically it's a group of ten people.
At least one of those members should be logged into the Qlik cloud tenant, and then those spaces will show up.
And when you assign the space membership for groups and everybody else, nine rest of the people,
as soon as they log in, they'll have the access to those spaces. Fantastic.
Okay, thank you. Moving on to the next question. Is it possible yet to import private sheets and private bookmarks in cloud?
Transfer private sheets and bookmarks from On-prem to Cloud.
Assuming the same IdP is used for both? I'm assuming both means On-prem and cloud.
So importing private sheets and private bookmarks from On-prem to Cloud.
Yeah, I see. Vinay, shaking your head. No, it's not possible.
It has to be a public one, because even if the IdP is same, the user id should be matching.
And in most of the cases they differ even if you have the same IdP.
So it's a quite complicated configuration which you have to do.
Make sure that even the user IdP ids are matching in on premise and Qlik cloud
and if any of the steps are mismatching, then you'll lose those data. So it's better to make it public and then export it.
Publishing App Issue
When the working copy in personal hybrid space is updated and republished to the managed space,
the refreshed data or newly added visualizations do not show up immediately in the published app in the managed space unless the published app is refreshed.
Is that correct? Sounds like someone's having some issue with. Publishing cached pages, right?
So maybe it's just a matter of. Maybe the web browser. Yeah, in some cases it's still a web browser, right?
In some cases you might just be looking at cache pages on your web browser if you don't clear your browser often enough.
Maybe it's as simple as that. I don't know guys, what do you think?
I guess it also depends upon how you are published. Like if you are published with data or you
also have the option to publish without the data. So when you Qlik on publish and try
to republish on an existing app, it gives you an option to include the data as well.
So by default, if you include the app is basically like a reloaded app and you should be able to see the changes which is
there in the shade space or your personal space app. Yeah, perfect.
Excel exporting formatting options.
Okay, next question. Is there a way for subscription to deliver Excel format other than PDF and PowerPoint?
Yeah, I don't think so. Sorry.
Is that for subscriptions to sheets and charts, do we think?
Or is it more like exporting to Excel? Yeah, because a subscription just uses images basically.
Right. There you go. Thank you. Yeah, I don't know if tablet reporting can do anything.
That question could either be very specific or broad, like are we talking about when you're downloading data because the download
shows in Excel and then there's a PDF when you're downloading data from a.
Well, subscription was capitalized, so I guess they know what they're talking about when it comes to subscription.
And like you said, Andrew, that's images, right? Yeah, but what you can do is if you are looking
to just export the tables data, you can utilize the Qlik app automation
which gives you an option to export the state tables, and then you can just
export it to whichever the connectors or data connections which you have.
Great. Yeah, good, good point. Okay, I'll move on to the next question.
Manage or add users in groups via Azure IdP?
Using the API, I can see that I can create groups. Is it possible to manage or add users
to those groups that are coming in from an IdP? He's using Azure, not the Qlik built in one,
I want to emulate custom properties in cloud for local access management.
So asking if you can manage and add users to those groups in Azure emulate custom properties.
I would say we have the option to configure the groups but I have not really worked on that much.
But from what I can say you should be able to add members to those groups considering if you have an Azure configured properly,
because when you configure the groups using the CLI or rest API which is affiliating groups, you can't edit those from the UI,
you have to manage those users within those platform itself. It should be possible to add the users
to the groups if you have configured Azure and if it is fetching the groups
from the Azure, you should be able to configure those groups. Great.
All right, thank you. All right, next question. Is the new reporting tool in Qlik cloud previously in printing fully functional?
Tabular Reporting fully functional?
So it sounds like there's a little bit of misunderstanding there, but there is a lot of reporting capability in Qlik Cloud.
Frank, do you want to talk about that some more? Sorry, I was actually typing another answer.
Sorry, what was the question while I multitasked that one? Is the new reporting tool in Qlik cloud fully functional?
Sounds like yeah, that's the same answer as before. It is fully functional in the sense that it is a new product,
but new features are being answered or addressed all the time.
So if you're looking for the full functionality of m printing, it's not 100% there yet and it may never be identical.
And it's still early days, it's only been around for one month, the tabular reporting.
So again, there's a lot of cool features in there that look like imprinting, but it's not 100% there.
Like you cannot do cycles yet. So again, if you could follow
the tabular reporting forum to get more information and ask questions there
directly to product management, then that's what I would suggest to keep
an eye on the news for new features and updates.
And here is that reporting service forum that Frank mentioned earlier. Again, I'll post the link along
with the recording so you'll be able to get access to that.
Providing access to individual external users via multiple tenants.
All right, next question is a bit of a follow up from a previous one. In the situation where the internal IdP
does not support it, how can I grant access to individual external users?
Yeah, tough one. What I would suggest is you have the option to opt for multi-tenant option
where if you want to have a separate tenant for external users and you want to have a separate for internal users, that would be an alternate option right
now because currently you can't use two IdPs on the same tenant. So you can use one tenant for Azure and second tenant for Okta.
You can have configured like that and grant users to the accesses.
Great, thank you. Okay, next question about monitoring apps.
Is there a monitoring app for file usage in the Qlik Cloud SaaS tenant?
Is there a monitoring app that we can use to know how much data files we're using on the Qlik cloud SaaS tenant?
My question is because I want to change my SaaS plan to capacity based.
Actually, the reload analyzer will give you some of that information. It'll tell you what the data usage is
for data connections and the files that are used.
That was the reload analyzer, right? Yeah. It should give some insight into that because it gives you what data
files you're actually using for the reloads. Right. I've got a link here for all of the monitoring tools for SaaS.
That would be fantastic. Very handy, I think. Thank you. I'll share that once I get it.
How to invite a new user? (Demo)
And next question. As a tenant admin, I can't see the option
to invite the new users to send an invite to sign up. Does anybody have a tenant available where we might be able to see that?
Okay. All right, so we're looking at your tenant and where would we go to invite a new user?
Let me move some of this stuff away here. So if we go to the management console and go to users,
sorry, that's the home link and we go to the invite option here.
So again, management console, you log into your tenant, switch to your management console button
here and you must be a tenant admin to do this. Okay. So if you have the management console
switch over to the management console, click the invite.
Yeah. If that button invite button is not there, means you have an IdP configured and users
should be logging in via the IdPs to the tenant.
Great. Thank you for demoing that. Sure. All right, next question is referencing
Limitations of Managed spaces
a help site on managing apps that we shared earlier. Let's see the above page and see if
I can find my option to share again.
Share screen.
Talking about this one, the above page shows this limitation of managed space. You cannot change the data model of a published app in a managed space.
Could you provide that's working on this limitation? Yeah, just clarify it. Can the data model be changed when an app is republished to the managed space,
for example, the association or joins between the tables? I think they're just looking for some clarification on what that means.
The managed space is a governed space. It's basically a view typically and correct me if I'm wrong, guys,
it's a view only kind of space for consumption of end users, whereas, like shared space, you can make changes to the data model, et cetera.
Yeah. So it basically means the app is as it is and no one can change it once it's out there.
They can interact with the data and make selections and narrow what they're looking at, but they no longer have the rights to edit the architecture of that app.
Yeah. So if you wanted to make changes, go for it. I was just thinking,
the basic idea is shared space is often used for development and the managed space is often used for end users of the app consumption.
Correct. Right. Great. Very clear. Thank you. Gas. So that's all that means.
So if someone opens up an app in a managed space, they won't be able to edit the script.
Create subfolders into shared spaces.
All right, moving on to the next question. Is there a better way to create subfolders
into shared spaces in order to organize better the QBDs?
So asking for some data management tips.
I think vne covered that a little earlier. I thought I saw some, but it's not out yet.
Yeah, it's currently not possible. The hierarchies. Yeah, you can't create subfolders.
It is just a space where you dump all your QBDs.
Okay. But you can of course create multiple. It's all about how you want to organize them, I suppose.
Not the same method that you might use in Windows.
All right, moving on to the next question. Someone was addressing a follow up
to that subscription question we were talking about. Yes. Subscription to charts or sheets and see if I can find the original.
Yeah. So that's the simple subscription where you're actually getting a report, which is basically a generated image.
Is there a limitation to Qlik storage within a space?
Thank you. All right, next question. Is there a limitation to the Qlik storage
that exists within a space like max number of files or space consumed?
What reason would you give a client to save their data elsewhere? It's a good question.
Well, the limitation you're going to run into is the app size, right? Yeah. For reloads especially.
So that, of course, depends on your licensing and what capacity you have.
But there are a lot of options for larger. There are, yeah. So even if you do have some large apps, I can't remember,
but I feel like it's in increments of like 25 gigs or something like that. 20, I think. Yeah.
If you're looking to purchase additional, it's like 20 gb. 40 gb and additional.
Okay, so it's in 20 gigabyte increments. It just keeps moving up to the next level.
Yeah, and you can get up to 100 gb. And with regards to the storage, you can have any number of files.
There are no restrictions. However, there might be a restriction on number of spaces you can create depending upon the license you have.
Okay, there we go for the Qlik storage.
If you are using an enterprise license, you can have like unlimited storage. There are no restriction on how many data files or anything you can store.
However, if you are using a basic Qlik Sense business version, you have a storage limit of 250 gb.
Sure, but I feel like if you're running into any limitations, just reach out to your account manager and we probably have
an option for you to make what you're looking for, your business case possible. But moving on to the next question, trying to connect to PeopleSoft and HCM.
Native connections available in Qlik cloud similar to PeopleSoft and HCM?
Is there any native connections available in Qlik cloud currently to those PeopleSoft and HCN?
Ideation? Or possibly the Ideation idea, put an idea in there.
Or if it's an ODBC underlying ODBC, then perhaps the data gateway and
the generic ODBC connector potentially as a workaround. That's a good tip.
That generic ODBC connector can do a lot of things, even if it hasn't thoroughly tested yet. It's good to try it out.
Can you change or how can you change the sheet owner?
Yeah. Great. Can you change or how can you change the sheet owner?
This is a need to help with migration and when people change roles or leave the company.
Any ideas on changing sheet owners. Like private sheets?
Yeah, I'm not sure. Can't you just make your public private? Doesn't matter who owns it.
Yeah, I would say if you've already shared, if you've got a shared space and your developers are in the shared space,
and you want to give access to your private sheet, make it public. Let them make it private.
I'm just throwing it out there. If you're collaborating on the same app should be able to make your sheet public,
and another developer should be able to make it private, or copy the sheet at least and make it private.
Something like that. I don't know guys, what do you think? It's just an idea. So yeah, in that scenario where somebody
is leaving the company, but you want to preserve the work they've done, I.
Guess the question is more about if the users have already left the organizations.
Because if that is the case, one thing is you can't access those private sheets.
And another thing which you can try is you can ask your it team to get those credentials back correct and then make it public.
Because if you're in an organization, you. Should be able to. Your IT team might be able to help you out with that.
So the tenant's admin still doesn't have access to those private sheets.
Creating notifications for dashboard changes?
It's good to clarify that. Next one. How do you set up notifications to alert
users when there are changes to a dashboard? Options there?
Yeah, you can just right click on a visualization and select alerts and then create a new alert and configure it there.
It's a simple way to do it. I'll give you another link where you can actually see the options.
Oh great. Probably the best way to do it. Here, monitoring data with alerts. Great.
That's monitoring. And here we go. A little further down is creating alerts.
Fantastic. Thank you. And I'll include that link. And another question just came in.
Other IdPs that allow automated user creation?
Is it planned to create users automatically with other IdPs than Microsoft's?
Well, you have lots of IdP options. You could use the click id or any IdP that is available.
So there's certainly other options besides Microsoft's. Does anyone else want to add something to that?
Yeah, so the create users automatically part,
I think that's really dependent on the capability of the IdP. Right.
I'm trying to think about the capacity model, how it's all about usage and less about the users.
Isn't there a way to just allow people to come in and consume?
I apologize, I'm not that familiar with it. Well, if you're thinking of the analyzer capacity minutes.
Yeah. That's a situation where you can actually, if you're.
Anonymous access solution. Like a mashup. Yeah. You're just having users access directly the data.
All right, and last question. I think we have time for today.
How can I test a user’s access?
How can I test what access a user has specifically if they're complaining about not being able to see their dashboards?
I guess from a, if a tenant admin is getting a complaint that someone's having trouble
accessing it, how can they troubleshoot that? I would use the API, honestly, I think that would be the simplest thing to check first.
And can you suggest where we can find more information about using the.
If you, if you log into the tenant and you change the URL, just going directly to the API links
for the users, or if you have the user's actual id,
I, from the tenant, you can put that in the URL. Just want to thank our panel for today
and hope everybody has a great rest of your day. Thank you so much for joining us and being with us.


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‎2024-02-06 02:51 AM
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