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Contributor III

Exporting from Nprinting 16 and Importing to Nprinting 20

Hello Everyone,


I have recently moved from Nprinting v16 to Nprinting v20 Feb SR1, and I am exporting my NP16 Projects to be imported to NP20 using the built-in import software. What I have noticed was in NP16 I had the chance of using a relative path when addressing and loading the Metadata from the QVW file because we practically have nsq saved in any location we wish. In NP20 this is not possible because NP20 has its own location for nsq files and we practically have to insert the absolute path of the QVW file when creating the connection.

I have attached 2 screenshots of my applications in NP16 and NP20, with the relative and absolute path example. 

I would like to ask if it is possible to have a relative path in NP20 when creating the connection.


Thank you so much for your attention.

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