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Distribution list and NPrinting


After several tests we are not able to send NPrinting file through a distribution list. We have created a recipient with a diffusion list as email but nobody seems to receive the email.

When we check the log everything seems ok (no errror). We have also tried to add a user in copy of this email and everything seems ok, the user received the email (but not the distribution list) and the distribution adress seems ok too.

Is there a parameter to check or is there any other problem related to distribution list and NPrinting ?


13 Replies
Not applicable

Just like the other recipents i have added the information on the name (name of the group) and on the distribution information the email of the list, nothing more.

Not applicable

I have tried with another distribution list and everything seems ok. So i think the problem comes from the Exchange server.

Thanks for all your answer.

Not applicable

Excellent to hear - I deleted the stuff about the distribution lsit after I figured it out.  I also noticed (which I may submit a change request) that when a distribution lsit is called, you do not see the individual sends like you do with multiple recipients - my guess is the reason it does not show is because that is being handled on the exchange side and the the nprinting side



Creating a single user for the complete mailing list is not the best option to fulfill your requirement.

I would suggest you to create an NPrinting user group instead. The idea is this:

1. Create a single NPrinting user for each e-mail address in the list

2. Add all the users to the same NPrinting group (

3. Add the group to the task so that the report is set to all users in the group.

This is easy to do and very quick to be maintained, because you can automatically import users and assign them to a group just running an import task.

You can list your users in an Excel file, that you will update any time there is a change in the mailing list, and you can use it in your import task. This article explains the process:

Once there is any change in the mailing list, you can update the Excel file and run the import task again. See the "Creating an import task" paragraph in the article to choose the options that best suits you.

The option to create a single user for all the list is not recommended for many reasons: it is more complex to implement, you can't have specific filters for different users, the distribution may fail for all if one e-mail address has any problems, the e-mail server may block the distribution because the message looks like spam, etc.

Do let me know if this solution works for you.


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