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Creating a refresh token - Databricks


We use Qlik Cloud (Analytics) and have connected to Databricks (via a Data Gateway). The authentication is done via a Service Principal token and there is a requirement that the token we use is refreshed every 14 days. Has anyone done something similar before, if so how were you able:

  1. Query Databricks to create a new token
  2. Pass the updated token to the data connection


Labels (1)
  • SaaS

1 Reply
Creator III
Creator III

Hi I don't have enough experience to write it down, but a way could be:

-to create a script to refresh token (maybe python o powershell)

-store the token securely in a key vault o database

-use qlik rest api or automation tools like Qlik application automation to update the Databricks data connection with the new token

-Use a task scheduler (e.g., cron job on Linux, Task Scheduler on Windows, or any cloud-based automation tool) to run the script at the desired interval

hope it helps,

kind regards,
