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Data Retrieval inconsistent in Muti-node environment

Hello Experts,

We have a production environment with 3 Machines (1 central , a RIM and a Fail over RIM). We are having inconsistent performance in data retrieval . Our DB is oracle and we are using Oracle driver.

We are able to pull  1 million record in 30 secs and the same Query  when re run it takes 5 mins at times and this behavior seems to be reappearing again and again.

We checked in DB/Network, it seems to be normal.  My question here is 

Why the performance in QSense is bad at some times? Is it because of multi node switching?

How can I find the logs to drill down the issues?

I am not an expert in Qlik Servers so please guide me to resolve this issues and let me know if you need more details.

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