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After upgrading to the Sept 2017 release, we're getting a script error trying to connect via ODBC. The error message is
Error: Connector connect error: SQL##f - SqlState: 28000, ErrorCode: 4294967295, ErrorMsg: [Simba][DSI] An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the error message for key 'CredentialMissing' and component ID 1: Could not open error message files - Check that "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Qlik\Custom Data\QvOdbcConnectorPackage\SimbaMSSQL\lib\en-US\ODBCMessages.xml" or "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Qlik\Custom Data\QvOdbcConnectorPackage\SimbaMSSQL\lib\ODBCMessages_en-US.xml" exists and are accessible. MessageParameters=["{[UID] [PWD]}"]
Looking at those locations,I can see that these files do not exist. Anyone know how to recover?
I am also getting the same error after recently updating to the Sept 2017 release
Apparently this was removed with the Sept. 17 release. In my case I did not need to use ODBC, so I switched things to a Sql Server OLE DB connection and things run fine.
Hi Mike,
Could you try the following steps to see if the error is resolved?
Windows is set to "Windows Authentication Mode" only.
Hi Felip,
Our instance was already set to "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode".
However, the error seems to be clear - it can't find a file, and looking at the file system, indeed the file does not exist in the locations specified.
Someone at Qlik told me he thought that might have been something that was removed in this release. That appears to be the case.
The drivers for the SQLServer ODBC package have changed and require a different setup than earlier releases used.
The newer drivers no longer use "Windows Integrated Security" and now require you to put a username and password in.
This cannot be a Windows user account (e.g. the one you are typically logged on as).
I was able to get things working as follows.
Using SQL Server management Studio's Object Explorer, Go to the database->Security-> Logins.
I needed to setup a new user account on the SQL Server Database itself and set that account to use SQL Server Authentication rather than Windows Authentication. Be sure it has access to the databases/tables you wish to connect to.
Then I reference that new SQLServer user account & password in the QLIK SQLServer Data Connection.
Hi guys,
Try with OLE DB connection. Works fine!!!!