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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Getting Error when accessing Qlik sense HUB

I never had this happen to me before, everything was going fine until i last checked my Qlik sense HUB, 

I have Qlik sense enterprise on my device and getting this error when accessing the HUB : 

Error requesting "/license/' - Error : Connect ECONNREFUSED ******:****:***::*::**4242

Any solution for this ? 

Last thing i have done on my device is i installed Microsoft Powerautomate desktop  , is this relatable to the issue ?

Chrome updated
Services working


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20 Replies

Hello @Saif1,

do you have non default setting on your config files and potentially SSL/TLS settings or similar?



Please, remember to mark the thread as solved once getting the correct answer
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hello Albert,

As you can see from the screenshot , SSL/TLS settings has been put to best practices 


And i did not play with the config files , even if i played with the config files, i removed it and reinstalled it 10 times now just to make it work. 


Hello @Saif1,

Seeing this ******:****:***::*::**4242, are you using ipv6 and ipv4? If so, do you have a sandbox where you could try the upgrade again and just allow ipv4 to your machine and see what the outcome is.



Please, remember to mark the thread as solved once getting the correct answer
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Both are enabled, I tried disabling ipv6 and no luck there.

unfortunately, i cannot run any sandbox currently, i am stuck on what i am having right now.


so, you disabled ipv6 and then upgrade and no luck?

what error were you getting  when that was done?



Please, remember to mark the thread as solved once getting the correct answer
Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

I had the exact same situation.

And I lost 2 days making all possible tests.

In my case, I had my DevServer (W2K16) with QS Enterprise Feb 2023 ( + Update 6). I tried to make the Upgrade to QSE Aug 2023. No error, but stuck on "Upgrading Database Repository". Reboot server, installation resuming, installation success, QMC working, Apps can be open directly through "Apps" menu in QMC.

BUT: no Hub possible, same error as Saif1. I disabled IP v6, same. Check ports, check config (with QlikRepositroyUtil), nothing.

I thought the installer had trouble with the fact I used during a past upgrade the Qlik Postgre Installer to upgrade my 9.6 PSQL to 12.5.

I then tried May 2023 upgrade: same situation. Uninstalling old remaining QSDR services: same situation.

So to get rid of all hypothesis, I took a full backup I tried 2 things:

  • Restoration an a brand new server (Different hostname): no luck, as the Repository.exe in bootstrap standalone mode could not work (Fatal Error during execution). So I could not finish my restoration, as the new name could not be used... Epic fail.
  • Complete uninstallation of Qlik Sense AND PostGreSQL on my original server. I had a fresh February 2023 installation done, restoring my 4 databases (QSR/SenseServices/QSMQ/Licences) and my Shared Folder.  Everything went fine, QMC and HUB fully functionnal, Apps there, Security Rules too.

So with my original but "brand new" QS February 2023 (IR), I upgraded my PSQL in 14 with QPI. Test afterwards: everything's fine (QMC,Hub,Apps,SecRules).

Last step: upgrade in QS August 2023. Upgrade went fine, no error. But still the same Hub error :

Error requesting "/license/" - Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1 :4242

after authentication (Here the message with only IP V4 enabled):

Capture d'écran 2023-10-03 093631.png

For me too, QMC OK, Apps launching from the QMC, PostGres OK, 4242 listening, and everything is fine in in Feb2023. It appears to me it is really a Hub Application problem during upgrade.

And to be honest, there are WAAAAAY too many logs in QlikSense, with high verbosity in addition, I I don't know where and what to search/find.

What's really ennoying here is that I cannot imagine upgrading my production environement if this happens too.

So it means we are stuck in Feb 2023...

If anyone has an idea of the solution and the cause of this problem, we would be happy to know.

Anyway, we are going to open a case, because we have to know what's going on and how to avoid this in production.



Contributor II
Contributor II

Any news on this topic? I'm failing to upgrade to Aug 2023 with the same ECONNREFUSED error.

Feb 2023 P11 is running fine together with Postgres 14.8, but any upgrade to May or Aug 2023 returns this hub error. 

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

I'v opened a case with Qlik one month ago, and I am still investigating.

The answer is for the moment: "Probably environmental issue", so the error could be caused my server or my domain, but nothing more precise. 

I hope you could open a case too, with a link to this post and my Case number (to help Qlik to link both of our cases), in order for them to be able to see any commun point between your problem and mine, and may be find what's going on.

For information, my case number: #00115810

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II


J'ai des nouvelles!

Il s'agit d'un souci de communication du service Licence qui n'a pas l'air d'apprécier l'IP v6.

En ajoutant une clé de registre, on peut désactiver l'utilisation de l'IP v6, et permettre au QLS de répondre au QRS, et donc d'ouvrir le Hub, ce qui débloque la situation pour MAY/AUG/NOV2023.

Par contre, dans le cas d'une restauration d'un serveur FEV2023 et en dessous avec changement de nom serveur, ne pas créer cette clé, car le process de restauration bloquera sur le Reporistory.exe en mode "-standalone -bootstrap -restorehostname"

Autre point qui était bloquant chez moi: mon serveur 2K16 QSFEV2023 a été traité avec QPI 1.2 a un moment donné, et cela semble poser problême lors de l'upgrade, avec l'installer qui cherche (et réussi) à installer le service QSRD alors que PostgreSQL est DEJA installé en stand-alone. L'upgrade ne se termine du coup jamais.

La bonne solution de mon côté a été d'installer un nouveau serveur 2019 avec un nouveau nom, utiliser IISCrypto, d'installer QS FEV2023, d'utiliser QPI 1.3, de restaurer mon environnement en suivant les documentations Qlik (Certificats, Bases de données, Shared Repository, exécution de Repository.exe en mode bootstrap/restorhostname), de migrer en NOV2023, de désactiver l'IP v6 via la clé de registre, puis de rebooter.

Et là, tout fonctionne 🙂

La clé de registre a créer:

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcipip\Parameters -> DisabledComponents (REG_DWORD) 0x0000020 (32)

RegistryKey for QS MAY2023 and Up.png

En espérant que tout ceci puisse aider d'autres personnes qui rencontre ce problème lors d'upgrade ou de restauration.



Contributor II
Contributor II

Yesss, the registry key did the the trick for me, too!

But it's HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcipip6\Parameters (as depicted)

Now I upgraded from Feb23 P11 to Nov23 P1,  added the above mentioned registry key and was able to open the hub 🙂