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I have a report and I have to present it /month /year /branch. As an example:
I have 30 branches and format of the report as follows "reportx.mm.yyyy.branch". (I have lots of data then I divide it into many report)
With cases like the above I have to prepare 30 reports each month, where I have to import / duplicate with edit, publish and create reload task. I think it is quite inconvenient if we have many similar reports.
Is there any solution to this case?, such as automation?
Thank you.
Agus Irawan
There is an extension called "On Demand App Gen Extension" available on the Branch: Qlik Branch.
Sounds like a good solution for your case.
There is an extension called "On Demand App Gen Extension" available on the Branch: Qlik Branch.
Sounds like a good solution for your case.
Thanks Vlad for answering, I'll give it a try.
Outside of automation, I have ideas in my case that is not a report that increased but the data that follows the time.
From my statement above means I have to make 30 templates and simply need to publish and make ReloadTask one time only.