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My Qlik Sense has 2 synchronized ADs (let's say AD A and B).
Both of them are synching normally and I can see the users in the users list.
When users try to login, only users from AD A can login. Users from AD B can't.
Some points:
- AD A is in the same domain of the Qlik Sense Server. AD B is in another domain.
- All users have licenses alocated to them.
- AD A and B have "full-trust" between each other.
- Credentials from domain B seems to be synched, because when users from domaing B insert incorrect user/password, the login popup refreshes asking to enter user/password again. When they use correct credentials, a page with http error 500 is displayed.
You may have already resolved your issue, but I would start by looking at the Windows Event logs - Security.
You may also look at the Qlik Sense Proxy -> Trace -> System and Audit logs at the time you are getting the 500 error.
Can you please advise, how you manage to overcome the issue