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Qlik Sense task reload between hours.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Qlik Sense task reload between hours.

This is one of my biggest missing features in the QMC: Being able to run a reload task between two time points.


example1: Run a reload task between 08:00 and 18:00 each hour, everyday

example2: Run a reload task between 08:00 and 18:00 every 30 minutes from Monday till Friday


Contributor III
Contributor III

I'm assuming this would deliver the ability to run this task every x mins between a couple of times every day (eg, every hour between 6am and 6pm)

I definitely have seen business needs for this, and ended up developing what I'd consider a hack to do the job, and am considering building and add on scheduler to do the same.

I'd love to see this out of the box!



Yes, please!
Contributor II
Contributor II

This is the most important feature we are looking for.  There are many projects in our organization looking for time based triggers. 


Well taken feedback and I'm adding it to the backlog to verify the options we have

Status changed to: Open - Collecting Feedback
Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

This feature is required by many of our customers, who are requesting workarounds outside Qlik to achieve this functionality.

Partner Ambassador
Partner Ambassador

First: I would too prefer to see this feature in the core product.

Lacking that I added exactly this feature to the open source Butler micro service.
More info here:

So, you'd have to get Butler up running (runs in Docker, as a Windows server, on Linux, Mac OS...
Then add a cron style entry and a reload task ID.
While cron syntax might not be the easiest to understand, it's incredibly flexible and has proven itself over decades in the Linux world. 

Your examples would look like this:

example1: Run a reload task between 08:00 and 18:00 each hour, everyday
0 8-18 * * *

example2: Run a reload task between 08:00 and 18:00 every 30 minutes from Monday till Friday
*/30 8-18 * * 1-5


A sample scheduler file is available in the GitHub repo.


Hi @Pheaxx it's now time to let you and others know that this feature will be delivered as part of the February 2022 release. We've had it on the roadmap for a while but now we've been able to add it. It is actually already added to the release we are testing with, which is why I'm very confident that this will be added as part of our next Major Release in February 2022.

Best regards,


Status changed to: Open - In Development
Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi @Thomas_Hopp Thank you for letting us know, looking forward to this feature.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Works like a charm in the Feb 2022 release! Thank you for adding this feature.


Released Feb 2022.


Status changed to: Delivered