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Insight Advisor regularly goes into infinite load (impacting entire app)

After setting up a test environment for Qlik Sense Enterprise May 2023, I figured I'd have a look at the assorted improvements to the Insight Advisor since May 2022 (which is our current version). Quite disappointingly, it doesn't seem to be working very well at all. Ignoring the assorted issues pertaining to the quality of the suggestions it makes, there seems to be one major issue:

Insight Advisor regularly goes into an endless cycle of thinking, even for really simple actions like selecting one measure and one dimension for auto-analysis. It almost always does this when I ask a natural-language question, including fairly simple ones like "Show me revenue by product and country". When this happens, it is usually not possible to stop the current process - hitting "Cancel" works but no further actions seem to work as it just goes into the think tank again. When this happens, the only way to get the app to respond properly again is to close the tab and open the app again.

From my perspective, this is not something that should ever happen. If Insight Advisor can't generate a result, it should show an appropriate message (and ideally explain what it thinks caused the failure to obtain results). It should not go into an infinite load cycle, and it certainly shouldn't impact the entire app, under any circumstances.


Am I missing something here? Is there some way to isolate what might be causing Insight Advisor to behave like that?

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7 Replies

Hello - Apologies for the difficulties you are facing. This would be a good area to involve support - a couple of thoughts on my end in the interim would be:

  • I would start isolating the issue by loading a single table into the applications data load editor and then reviewing the standard logical layer. It would be even better to exclude large text fields (>500 characters) from this single table as well.
  • Start with a single measure question i.e "Show me sales" and then work up in complexity. 
  • Check if any of this material is of assistance - Best Practices.



@Nasser_Bumpus  Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how this helps with the root issues:

1) Why would Insight Advisor ever go into an endless thinking loop? There should always be a stopping point with an error if it times out, or something of that nature.

2) How does one actually debug the problem when an issue like this happens? I was able to find basic instructions for enabling logging but that doesn't tell me what to actually look for (or what to do with the result if I find it).


Trying to isolate the problem by manually guessing where the problem might be, for each individual app, is not feasible. In order for something like Insight Advisor to be useful, it needs to either work properly, or make it reasonably easy to find out what's wrong so it can be fixed.

Insight Advisor is enabled by default for all apps and appears to be mandatory in the top bar for recent Qlik Sense Enterprise versions (I wasn't able to find an option to disable it, at least). Given this, causing browser hangs when used is not something that should happen under any reasonable circumstances. Even if the issue is app complexity or long fields, there should be timeouts or safeguards that prevent issues like this from causing the app to stop responding or the browser to hang entirely.


Note that I am posting this independently of any possible Support tickets because I think the underlying issue / outcome is a problem in itself, beyond whatever issue Support would need to assist with. I've currently got this version on a Test server, but the idea of users crashing their browser or app and/or placing a ton of load on the server via Insight Advisor infinite loops) is not something I'd want to entertain in a production environment, so I'm highly concerned about this.


I am having the same problem on Qlik Sense Windows May 23. The app has a simple data model, star schema with few records (10k in fact table), few records in dimensions.

Have you found a solution (I was thinking an upgrade of Qlik Sense, add cpu or ram) or a way to mitigate the problem?



Unfortunately I have not, and as a result, we've given up on Insight Advisor entirely. It just doesn't work right. Users aren't trained on it and anyone asking about it gets a recommendation to not use it, other than perhaps to generate simple tables by selecting master items via click from the left pane.

If you know anyone at Qlik who might be able to shed light on the issue, I'd be happy to provide feedback directly to them as well.


I'll try with Qlik Support, I'll let you know if they provide me with a solution.




We're facing the issue with Insight Advisor taking 15-20 minutes to load and then when posing a question it ran like for ages. We're on Feb 2024.
Any assistance you got from Qlik Support previously?


I have not. @maxgro any luck on your end?