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Creator III

Export Qvf with private content


I have one Js code where i can have the private content bring into  csv file.
My issue now is I would like to make a qvf even if make me as onwer of the content but get all the contents so i can give back to the previous onwer, does anyone did something like this?

As you think, so shall you become.
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21 Replies
Creator III

Hello @DaveChannon 

After the call yesterday i noted what told me about the content be hide.
but only work when i try to send to GitHub i can't send directly tenant to tenant?

As you think, so shall you become.
Creator III

there is limitation of 20MB that why was not working but i seems i'm able to send  direclty to one tenant to the other i just need more checks to make sure 
Thanks a lot for the help @DaveChannon 

As you think, so shall you become.

Thanks for the update @TcnCunha_M - do you have apps larger than 20MB without data? We have some new blocks we could probably launch soon which might support 100-200MB apps.

Creator III

Hi @DaveChannon ,

Yes, they are much bigger than that. I am now testing three other apps with the same development model (the only difference is filtering by country, but the app architecture and concept are the same). I was working with Portugal, and now I'm trying Germany, Spain, and France.

The content doesn't come through at all. Even when accessing the asset, it doesn't bring in the content.

The user has full access, and I am able to retrieve all the content using JavaScript. However, the inconsistency persists, and it appears that sometimes the functionality works, while other times it does not.

Do I need to refresh the app after migrate or something like this?

As you think, so shall you become.
Creator III

Its really awkward situation , now Portugal doesn't work, I  really not sure what is the "Thing" to make it work

As you think, so shall you become.

Let me see if I can mock up an example today and share that here.


Thanks again for the time on Friday - I put the app stuff into this tutorial, comments welcome! 

Creator III

Thanks for your time, Dave. It's good we figured out the issue was the advanced mode. It might be a good idea to add this information to the tutorial so people don't struggle like I did, thinking the automation was not working when it is actually a "feature" (aka bug) in the UX. Hopefully, they will fix it soon.

As you think, so shall you become.

Ah, great idea - I added the hidden sheet piece but forgot about that nuance. Will get that updated, thank you again!

Creator III

Hey @DaveChannon  if understand correctly I don't need to do Raw API i can use directly change Object Onwer [Platform operations]  and the sheet should be migrated to the other person, do i understand correctly?

something like this, this case its just to check if is  Bookmark or Sheet, set into the variable the object Id to be changed, output just to inform what id will be changed and to whom , output to say done successfully after the change app object owner to be fancy text




As you think, so shall you become.