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Contributor II
Contributor II

GitHub Connector reading only public repos

Hi there,

In my company we use Qlik Enterprise and want to connect to a repo within GitHub to fetch some data into Qlik. There is a GitHub connector present I can select and authenticate with. While trying it out and trying to start having a look at all the repos within the company account in GitHub, I realized I can't see any of them. Currently all repos are set to private. I then created a new repo in Qlik, set it to public and had a loo into the connector again: the test repo showed up.

As we won't set any of our repos to public, is there any way to read in from private ones? Or does anyone know if there are any limitations to the connector to only show public repos? There seem to be no options in the connector to make any adjustments to this...

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6 Replies

Hi @arkham you may wish to also ask this over in the connectivity forum.

I did have a quick look and as long as you are auth'd to your org and have that access granted, you can use the OrganisationRespositories table with the org name to retrieve all classes of repos. This includes Is_Private=true repos.

So - most likely an auth thing, do you get rows in that table for Is_Private=false?

Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi @DaveChannon !

Thanks, will ask in the connectivity forum then.

To answer your question: I only get one row for Is_Private=false showing the repo I created as public. The other, private ones, still don't show up under the org.


If you only see the public ones, then it sounds like it's auth. Did you request and auth your user to your org when you set up the connection?

Contributor II
Contributor II

What I did:

  • created a new connection in the load editor to GitHub by clicking the GitHub connector
  • I get a promt where I click the Authenticate button
  • I get forwarded to a new tab showing me an authentication code I paste in the authentication and click on verify
  • I get a Status 'Authenticated', tested the connection and it shows as working. 
  • I then access my set up source but same as before: only see the public repo

Or is there any other authentication needed (as there were no more steps involved)?

Contributor II
Contributor II

Update: we found the solution after checking with a colleague who never tried setting up the connection: Apparently there is another step that didn't show anymore while I tried setting it up, but it did show for my colleague. This step involved a request to Qlik to authenticate. In GitHub we then have seen the request, accepted it, and everything worked out in the end.


Thanks for the update, good to hear it's solved!