I'm using the .exportData-method (https://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense-developer/May2021/Subsystems/APIs/Content/Sense_ClientAPIs/Capabil...) to export the values in a table to Excel.
I guess that the exportData-method uses the hypercube for the specified object when creating the Excel-file.
My question is if there is any way I can modify the hypercube and the export-method then uses that modified hypercube when creating the Excel-file?
I tried just changing the values in one of the cells in the qDataPages in the hypercube, but without any success
$scope.downloadFile = function($event){
var qcx = object.layout.qHyperCube.qSize.qcx;
var qcy = object.layout.qHyperCube.qSize.qcy;
"qPath": "/qHyperCubeDef",
"qPages": [{
"qLeft": 0,
"qTop": 0,
"qWidth": qcx,
"qHeight": qcy
data[0].qMatrix[0][0].qText = 'Test';
object.layout.qHyperCube.qDataPages = data;
qlik.table(object).exportData({download: true});
The export works, but the exported values are not the modified values in the hypercube.
Is there a way this can be achieved?