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I am trying to use a popover within a widget in Qliksense.
Neither the example from UI Overview | Leonardo nor the examples from http://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense-developer/3.2/Subsystems/APIs/Content/leonardo-ui/leonardoui-sense-... are working for me.
The buttons appear but on clicking them nothing happens.
QlikSense Version is 3.2.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Sebastian,
Can you share the code of that widget?
It is exactly the same code as mentioned in the examples.
Example A:
<button class="lui-button popover-trigger">Open popover (light)</button>
<div class="popover-content" style="display: none;">
<div class="lui-popover" style="width: 400px;">
<div class="lui-popover__header">
<div class="lui-popover__title">Popover title</div>
<div class="lui-popover__body">
Bacon ipsum dolor amet ham hock pork short loin, cow bacon doner jerky pork loin hamburger. Pork chop biltong chuck turkey, cow meatloaf corned beef fatback pancetta drumstick landjaeger jowl.
<div class="lui-popover__footer">
<button class="lui-button lui-popover__button">Cancel</button>
<button class="lui-button lui-popover__button close-button">OK</button>
Example B:
<button class="lui-button" lui-popover-trigger x-dock="right" x-template="$ctrl.popoverTemplate">Open popover (trigger)</button>
<button class="lui-button" lui-popover-trigger x-dock="right" x-template="$ctrl.popoverTemplate" x-variant="inverse">Open popover (trigger, inverse)</button>
<button class="lui-button" ng-click="$ctrl.openPopover($event)">Open popover (service)</button>
<button class="lui-button" ng-click="$ctrl.openPopover($event, 'inverse')">Open popover (service, inverse)</button>
<button class="lui-button" ng-click="$ctrl.openToPosition($event)">Open popover (service, position to coordinate)</button>
<button class="lui-button" ng-click="$ctrl.openCustom($event)">Open popover (service, custom positioning)</button>
I'm not sure if you still need this, but I do have a popover extension working. I hope it helps.
thanks for your help, I also have a working extension with PopOvers. However, my question was about PopOvers in Widgets.
I actually got it working in Widgets first. All you have to do is copy the contents of the popover-template.html into the HTML window of the Widget editor. Then select an app and the popover should work.