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Specialist III
Specialist III

QS, C# SDK - Not a valid method Parameter name: response

Hello Folks,

I'm using QlikSense November 2019 along with a C# project containg QlikSense.NetSDK v 14.1.0 and .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2


When I run the following code, it throws an error:

Uri uri = new Uri("");

ILocation location = Qlik.Engine.Location.FromUri(uri);

//credential information

location.AsNtlmUserViaProxy(proxyUsesSsl: uri.Scheme.Equals(Uri.UriSchemeHttps), 
								loginCredentials: new NetworkCredential(user, pwd, domain),
								certificateValidation: false);
//Throws an error with the "location.Hub()" call
using (IHub hub = location.Hub())


The error that I get is from the location.Hub() call and it gives me the following message and stacktrace.

Not a valid method
Parameter name: response

at Qlik.Engine.Communication.QlikConnection.AwaitResponseTask[T](T task, String methodName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Qlik.Engine.Communication.QlikConnection.Ping()
   at Qlik.Engine.LocationExtensions.Hub(ILocation location, ISession session)
   at QlikTestOne.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\jdallas\source\repos\QlikTestOne\Program.cs:line 39


What could I be doing wrong?  I was thinking that maybe I a port blocked or something, but when it says that it's not a valid method, I think that it has to do something with an API mismatch.


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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10 Replies

Going through the QRS is the recommended way to export apps anyway. The ExportApp method in the engine is really only intended to be used as part of the flow initiated by the repository.