I am trying to fetch all the Qlikview reports assigned to an user along with report URL within the service response.
I have tried the below code.
// create a QMS API client
IQMS apiClient = new QMSClient();
//retrieve a time limited service key
ServiceKeyClientMessageInspector.ServiceKey = apiClient.GetTimeLimitedServiceKey();
// clear the QMS's QVS object cache from user document listings
// so that the any new user documents can be discovered
// get a list of QVS services
List<ServiceInfo> qvsServices = apiClient.GetServices(ServiceTypes.QlikViewServer).ToList<ServiceInfo>();
if (qvsServices.Count > 0)
// retrieve all user documents for the first QVS in the list
List<DocumentNode> userDocuments = apiClient.GetUserDocuments(qvsServices[0].ID).ToList<DocumentNode>();
// print the names of all user documents
Console.WriteLine("The " + qvsServices[0].Name + " contains the following user documents:" + Environment.NewLine);
foreach (DocumentNode userDocument in userDocuments.OrderBy(x => x.RelativePath).ThenBy(x => x.Name))
//Console.WriteLine(Path.Combine(userDocument.RelativePath, userDocument.Name));
Its returning the documents assigned to me. Is Document means report?
if so the document relative path I am getting empty. can I get report http path as well ?