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How To Disable/ Hide Selection Tools and Smart Search for Published Apps

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How To Disable/ Hide Selection Tools and Smart Search for Published Apps

Last Update:

May 11, 2021 5:47:10 AM

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Created date:

Jul 2, 2019 8:07:14 PM

The Selection tool and Smart Search cannot be completely disabled.

You can control which fields are available in Smart Search using the "Search" script statement (see Qlik Help).



Qlik has previously received feedback on this feature and recorded the request for future review.  For up to date information and to express you would like the Feature implemented see Disable/ Hide Selection Tools and Smart Search for Published Apps.


While it may not be possible to completely hide these buttons, you can reduce the information provided through them in the Qlik Data Load Script. 



  • In smart search, Search statement can be used to include or exclude certain fields. .
Search Include *fieldlist
Search Exclude *fieldlist
  • For the Selection Tool, use the % prefix to hide fields from users, marking a field as hidden with any of the following methods:
SET HidePrefix = '%';
SET HideSuffix = '%';
TAG FIELD Discount WITH '$hidden';

Reference: - Script Statements - Search
Reference: - Script Statements - Hide Prefix
Reference: - Script Statements - Hide Suffix

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Version history
Last update:
‎2021-05-11 05:47 AM
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