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Hello everyone,
I've read help and checked community, but couldn't quite find the answer, so would appreciate any help.
How can I modify number formatting, such that Interval(timestamp1-timestamp2, 'D hh') would show not only show X XX,
but will add text, so that result looks like: "X days XX hours"
I was able to write arbitrary things in NUM using # signs, but them seem not to work in INTERVAL
Thanks in advance
Try this
Replace(Replace(Interval(Now() - Today(), 'D@ hh#'), '@', ' days'), '#', ' hours')
Try this
Replace(Replace(Interval(Now() - Today(), 'D@ hh#'), '@', ' days'), '#', ' hours')
Hi Sunny,
Thank you a lot, this solution worked perfectly in KPI object and in a table,
but then I tried to put a formula into a chart, and it stopped working
replace(replace(INTERVAL(AVG("timestamp1"-"timestamp2"), 'D@ hh#'), '@', ' days'), '#', ' hours')
My suggestion is that after two replaces output is viewed as a string and not a number and QS refuses to display that in a chart. I'd really appreciate you could suggest any workarounds.
(The only solution I've come so far is to get rid of replaces and not to use words with H or D in the format expression )
May be use Dual function
Dual(Replace(Replace(Interval(Avg("timestamp1"-"timestamp2"), 'D@ hh#'), '@', ' days'), '#', ' hours'), timestamp1 - timestamp2)
Thanks, now it works in charts
That's a useful dual function