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This is my Data and I want
Max Month Count of Days
my max month is december
I want that when I select OCT and NOV then it should give me both month count together is 61 in KPI
"Order Date",
Month("Order Date") as Month,
Year("Order Date") as Year,
Day("Order Date") as Day,
MonthName("Order Date") as MonthName
FROM [lib://Data Source/Sample - Superstore Main.xlsx]
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Orders);
I have used this expression =Max(day([Order Date]))
but not working its giving me Total no of max days
Please help me to get max month count of Days
Try this:
COUNT(DISTINCT {<Month={"=$(=MAX({1}Month))"}>} ORDER_DATE)
Hi @simsa
I tried but not working as I said I want that for example in filter pane If i select November which has 30 and Oct which has 31 together then in kpi it will show 61 which means 31 + 30 is 61 Count
Try this:
Sum(Aggr(Count(DISTINCT Day), Year, Month))
In script mention months days like
floor(MonthEnd(date))-floor(Monthstart(date))+1 as days
in KPI use sum(days).
I am unsure regarding the requirement, is it- by default you just want the count of days for DEC (31)
And in case you select months say Oct+Nov in your case, you want 61 as output?