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Hello Qlik experts,
HaPPy Friday!
I’ve this exiting script that generates/ populates a calculated field when the base field has positive number >= 0, as below:
If(policy_type = 'DBL' and (pfl <> 'N' Or IsNull(pfl)) and premium >= 0,
If(policy_eff< '1/1/2019' and livecount <= 50, premium * 0.75,
If(policy_eff< '1/1/2019' and livecount > 50, premium * 0.85, premium *0.92))) as pfl_premium,
I need to modify the nested if condition so that it also calculates for the base field’s negative values and turn into positive *-1. Below data table view may help to visualize
I need pfl_premium to populate 93.75 when premium is either -125 or 125 and so on. Please help when I modified the script it doesn’t give the right calculation.
Thank you very much for your help.
Hi, did you try create new column where like this (you could do it in script and create new measure)
if(value < 0, value*-1, value)
And then count what you whant
Thank you Martynova for your reply. Failed to change the script I instead created a new column to (8-1) when premium is <0 and that's my workaround for now.
Thanks very much.