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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Using different Dimensions in a Pivot Table, keeping them separated without granularity

Not Sure If What I want to Achieve is Possible:

So Basically if I add one Dimension to a Pivot Table:


If I add Another Dimension:

They get related and more granularity is added.



What I actually would Like to achieve is the following:

One dimension with all it's values below the other in the same pivot table, and sorted by the max value..



Looking forward for your help/advice.

Best regards.



2 Replies

@Fq If I understand you need different objects into one object in pivot table? I think, the best approach in script to get because Sorting is not that flexible to merge as Sort works individually. 

But, How is the data model looks like to merge both into one table?

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Only within the UI it won't be possible else you will need appropriate adjustments within the data-model by duplicating the data + the relevant dimension or applying some kind of The As-Of Table - Qlik Community - 1466130.

IMO better would be just to use two simple objects instead of increasing the complexity so significantly just for such view.