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CVE_2021_44228 - Handling the log4j lookups critical vulnerability for Qlik Enterprise Manager

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CVE_2021_44228 - Handling the log4j lookups critical vulnerability for Qlik Enterprise Manager

Last Update:

Jan 25, 2022 7:48:24 AM

Updated By:


Created date:

Dec 13, 2021 3:29:16 PM


Qlik is providing these mitigation steps as a temporary measure. A patch will be provided and linked here; customers are advised to move to the patch as soon as it is available.

Patches are available. See Vulnerability Testing - Apache Log4j, reference CVE-2021-44228 (also referred to as Log4Shell)  for your release and the relevant patch.

Upgrade at the earliest.





Mitigation steps to follow Enterprise Manager log4j vulnerability:


  1. Stop the Enterprise Manager service. 
  2. Edit the file <installation-root>\Enterprise Manager\java\bin\atajs.bat (<installation-root> typically refers to "C:\Program Files\Attunity")
  3.  Add the string ‐Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true in the location shown below (last line of script):

    @Echo off
    REM attunity trend analysis java server configuration/run script

    REM e.g. AT_PROD = C:\Program Files\Attunity\Enterprise Manager\java_server
    for %%A in ("%~dp0..") do set AT_PROD=%%~fA

    REM list plugins here
    SET AT_PLUGIN_LIST=-plugins analytics_ctl

    REM set data directory based on the name of this script
    for /F "tokens=2 delims=_" %%A in ("%~n0") do set AT_DATA_SUFFIX=%%A

    if "%AT_DATA_SUFFIX%" == "" (
        set AT_DATA=
    ) else (
        set AT_DATA=-d data_%AT_DATA_SUFFIX%

    SET AT_ANALYTICS=%AT_PROD%\lib\jvm\bin\aemanalytics.exe
    SET AT_EXTERNAL=%AT_PROD%\external
    SET AT_LIB=%AT_PROD%\lib
    SET AT_INFRA_JAR=%AT_LIB%\attunity.infrastructure.jar
    SET AT_PLUGINS=%AT_PROD%\plugins
    SET AT_MAIN=com.attunity.infrastructure.server.PluginServer

    REM                                                           <-------------- Fix Here ------------>
    "%AT_ANALYTICS%" %JAVA_LIB_PATH%  ‐Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -cp "%AT_INFRA_JAR%";"%AT_PLUGINS%"/*;"%AT_EXTERNAL%"/*;"%AT_LIB%"/* %AT_MAIN% %AT_DATA% %AT_PLUGIN_LIST% %*
  4.  Save the file.
  5. Locate the vulnerable log4j-core-<version#>.jar file and rename/move it to ../log4j-core-<version#>.jar-vulnerable.
    $ cd <installation-root>\Enterprise Manager\java\external
    $ ren log4j-core-<version#>.jar  ..\log4j-core-<version#>.jar-vulnerable
  6. Download the non-vulnerable jar named log4j-core-nolookup-<version#>.jar  from this page and place it in the same location as the vulnerable jar.
  7. Restart the Enterprise Manager Windows service.

    $ sc stop AttunityEnterpriseManager

    $ sc start AttunityEnterpriseManager

Note that if you have a customized Enterprise Manager start script, you should perform the equivalent edit on your modified start script.


For more information on the Log4j vulnerability, please visit the Support Updates Blog post.



1. you would need to stop the QEM service first.
2. when download the log4j-core-nolookup-&lt;version#&gt;.jar , make sure that you use the correct version that you rename .
3. then you would need to start the QEM service after replacing the log4j-core-nolookup-&lt;version#&gt;.jar file.

i tested on 7.7 sp9 ( ) without any issue.

and 2021.5 sp8 (2021.5.0.498) without any issue.

NOTES: that if you were on 7.7xx and already apply the nolookup jar file . then you upgrade to 2021.5xx kit. you would need to redo all the steps again.

Contributor III
Contributor III


As you mentioned, I tried the full process again after stopping the QEM service. But I'm facing the same error.

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

And the QEM version that I'm using is (Version

Antony S

Version history
Last update:
‎2022-01-25 07:48 AM
Updated by: