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Collecting Replicate Process Dumps

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Collecting Replicate Process Dumps

Last Update:

Sep 24, 2020 10:06:56 AM

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Created date:

Sep 24, 2020 10:06:56 AM


This video describes the process on collecting Replicate Process dumps. These will be handy to help provide info for Support Cases.


This is on collecting Replicate
process dumps

so if you get a Replicate task that's
ending abnormally

or generating dumps this is what this
presentation is about

okay so some of the things we're going
to cover things to set up and Replicate

if you're running on Windows, Linux
after you create the dumps what you're

going to need to gather
to provide to r d the first thing we

want to do
is in Replicate so one of the first

things you can do is set the maximum
recreate count to one

so this will stop the tasks from
restarting over and over and over again

creating huge log files all right so
usually i just set the maximum recurrent

count to one we also want to have
verbose logging

so if the task is bending right after
you start it

set verbose logging to verbose on

so we don't have to go back and forth
trying to figure out what we want

there's a check box about storing
tracing for most logging in memory

and then if an error happens it'll then
write that information to disk

the problem is that's not going to work
for a crash

so we want to make sure that that's
unchecked that memory setting

only outputs that information if an
error is encountered if the crash

happens before the error gets back from
say an odbc driver

back to the task the tas is not going to
know about it because the test is

so we want to make sure you uncheck that

memory setting
so that's the Replicate side pretty

just set verbose logging for everything

on the Windows setup
so we want to install a product from

microsoft called debug diag
so this is a way to capture those dumps

in the Windows environment so you
download it from Microsoft

install it on the server so it's
it's pretty standard microsoft utility

we're going to add a cache rule so when
you install it

and add a rule first thing you see is
the rule type

so we want to select crash and next
you want to do it for a specific process

and then you're going to put in the
selected process you're just going to

put in the executable name or Replicate
so it's repctl.exe

so just type in that value and hit next
on the advanced configuration option you

want to
capture a full user dump you don't want

to do
it defaults to 10 you can leave it at 10

we don't need that many dumps we just

need the first and second exception so
usually i just set that value to a two

and that's the maximum number of dumps
created by the rule is two

and then you give it a location give it
a place that

has plenty of disk space these crash
dumps can be

quite large sometimes and then
activate the rule now you can also

create the rule without activating it
right now if you're just setting this up

and not running it yet so after you do
that you should see a screen that looks

like this
the state is going to show as active

after the crash runs and captures those
dumps you'll see it as completed

if you need to do it again you need to
highlight this

and reactivate the rule so that it's in
in force again but when it's in a

completed state it's not going to
capture any more

dumps so on the Linux side first you
need to check to see if the core dump's

enabled and you can do that with a
limit command so when you first run you

limit if it's not set you'll see
in here it'll say file size 0 that means

it's not
enabled so if you uh then set it

you can do this you limit dash c
unlimited uh you'll then see

that it's set to unlimited instead of
zero you can then

look and see where the location of where
the dumps gonna go so you can

cat on this core pattern you can also
change that core pattern and i suggest

you use
include the percent sign p when when you

do it so that the pit will be part of
the name so it's easy to match up later

this is pretty well documented in Linux
documentation of

all the parameters that you can pass to
this coordinate file naming

so let's say that we've turned on the

capturing we have a dump so Replicate's
task is run and it's amended so what do

we want to gather
to provide to r d so typical

Replicate things tax diagnostic package
the full Replicate task log and i put a

note on here
when you run and capture a diagnostic

package it will only get the first five
meg and last five made

from my task log so because we turned on
verbose on everything

that log can be you know hundreds of may
so make sure that you get the log

directly from
the logs directory to provide to rnb

so that's very important on this on the
Windows we want both the first and

second chance
exception dump files so they there's

quite a few files created
uh this is log.txt files process lists

all of these what rd is looking for is
just the dump files the first and second

chance exception files
it's also very important to get the ones

that match up
with the pid so in a task log

the very first line will show what pit
it was running as

make sure that you get the same pid for
the first and second chance exceptions

that way they already knows that they
match up with the log they're looking at

on Linux very similar the task log is
going to show the pin

and if you use the percent sign p in
the core dump name then you'll see that

as part of the quarter note file
on the Linux side you only get a single

dump you won't get like a first and
second exception you just have one

quart file so other things to
gather around the environment typically

most of our crashes are caused by a
driver file

a database driver file an odbc file so
you want to make sure we gather

the source and target driver versions
ask them if they're

updated anything recently did they just
update an odbc driver

did they do other change to the owc
ini file on Linux did they install

another driver
it's not related to Replicate things

like that so we want to know about
the environment as far as the drivers

and what's installed
uh server specifications so is this

what version of Windows, what version of

exact version down to the very lowest
detail that we can provide in rmd

um maybe some information about the
workload does the crash only happen

when the task is very busy or conversely
does it happen only when it's very slow

middle of the night there's no activity
on the source that's when the crash

busy or slow can sometimes lead a clue

to uh for rme does the operating system
change was it patched

on wednesday nights when microsoft
pushes out fixes did it then start

crashing after that
is it reproducible a lot of times r d is

getting this dump file
and a log don't really know what caused

the problem
now they're gonna go into the dump

they're going to look at the source code
they're going to try to figure out what

caused it
but if it's reproducible it helps r d to

fix the problem faster
so if it is reproducible let's get

detailed steps
create a task with this source endpoint

run this type of transaction through
any detailed steps that you can provide

is good
source related so if i create a dump and

the last thing in my task log is
something related to the source

source capture source unload something
like that

it might be related to the transaction

Replicate ran across something that it
couldn't parse or something to that

the customer can provide the database

transaction logs let's ask for them then
sometimes you know transaction loans

roll off and i can't get to them
so if we can provide them let's grab

them so that was the
that was everything uh thanks for

thanks everyone have a good day

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You can download the WinDebug Diagnostics tool from Microsoft´s website here:

Then, follow the steps mentioned in the video at the top of this page.

Version history
Last update:
‎2020-09-24 10:06 AM
Updated by: