Sessions Monitor and Operations Monitor show different values in user sessions.
It is possible that the Sessions Monitor app and the Operations Monitor app show a different number of sessions for the same user in the same time period.
This is to be considered as a designed result. The difference is generally little: Sessions Monitor counts very short sessions that are not registered by the Operations Monitor. Users can decide which value is more valuable for their needs.
Sessions Monitor and Operations Monitor round the session duration in a different way. Short sessions (less than 40 seconds) are registered in the Sessions Monitor app but not in the Operations Monitor app.
Details: Session Duration is rounded to second in Sessions monitor. Operations Monitor rounds to 0.02 days.
Sessions Monitor (rounded to second)
Time(Floor(_sessionDuration*86400)/86400) as [Session Duration]
Operations Monitor (rounded to 1.2 minutes)
round([Session Duration]*1440,0.02) AS [Session Duration],
Internal Investigation ID(s)