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How To Open QlikView Application (QVW) File Without Loading The Data

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How To Open QlikView Application (QVW) File Without Loading The Data

Last Update:

Aug 24, 2020 4:09:37 AM

Updated By:


Created date:

Sep 17, 2013 7:48:10 AM

A QlikView application (QVW) file can not be opened in the QlikView desktop client or there is a need to bypass the loading of data into memory.

Possible reasons or symptoms for this can be; 

  • Application requires more memory than currently available
  • Calculations triggered on opening requires more memory than currently available
  • Moving application to memory and preforming initial calculations takes longer time than anticipated, appearing as if QlikView desktop client has hung


QlikView applications can be opened in QlikView desktop client without loading the data model into memory. 

Open application without data in QlikView desktop client
  1. Open the QlikView Desktop client.
  2. Go to Help > Show Start Page
  3. On the start page go to Recent Documents
  4. Locate the QlikView document that should be opened without data.
    If the QlikView document can not be found in the Recent Document list, go to next section "Open Reload application without data from command prompt"
  5. Right click on the document and select "Open <document> Without Data"
    User-added image
  6. The document is opened without data
  7. Save the file with a new file name in order to not overwrite the original file

Open application without data from command prompt
  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt
  2. Launch QlikView Desktop client with the /nodata switch;
    "C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe" /nodata C:\QlikVew\SourceDocs\qvd_generator.qvw
  3. The document is opened without data
  4. Save the file with a new file name in order to not overwrite the original file

NOTE: If the file can not be opened without data, it may be corrupt and you should revert to a backup version of the file.

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Version history
Last update:
‎2020-08-24 04:09 AM
Updated by: