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Operations Monitor or License Monitor Tasks Do Not Reload - Updated and Verbose - Monitoring Apps

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Operations Monitor or License Monitor Tasks Do Not Reload - Updated and Verbose - Monitoring Apps

Last Update:

Jun 29, 2023 10:58:11 AM

Updated By:


Created date:

Sep 1, 2016 8:19:51 AM

An additional Article with other helpful information: How to troubleshoot and resolve reload and task issues with monitoring apps


Common Errors and links to the related fixes:

There are several reasons for failed Operations Monitor or License Monitor reloads in. Please see the below summary for the most common symptoms and references to articles with more details. 


Changes to the virtual proxy or REST connector


Error: QVX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA: Failed to connect to server.
Error: QVX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

Error: Connector connect error: Parameter "xxxxxx" has no value, or a misplaced semicolon



"Error: QVX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0."



Qlik Sense Operations Monitor A problem fetching data from QRS via the REST connector



Reload failed with QVX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA: HTTP protocol error 403

Review and implement QVX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA: HTTP protocol error 403


No internet access available, reload fails with Connector is not responding

Review and implement Data Load fails in Qlik Sense due to Restricted Internet Connection - Error: QlikView Connector is n...


Error: Table 'tempDateTimeList' not found 

Review and implement Qlik Sense - Reload Monitoring Apps failed with Error: Table 'tempDateTimeList' not found


Reload failed when connecting using the Qlik REST Connector,  HTTP protocol error 403 (Forbidden)

Review and implement  Error: QVX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA: HTTP protocol error 400 (Bad Request)


Additional Resources:



Troubleshooting if none of the listed errors apply:

  1. First, it's very important to verify that the Service Account is added to your proper AD Group (check with your Active Directory team) and is an admin, especially if your User Directory Connector in the QMC uses an LDAP filter.

  2. Temporarily disable antivirus or provide an exception for all Qlik folders

  3. Open all ports in the firewall that are needed according to the ports documentation.

  4. Check that all services are running and can be restarted, as well as verifying the user account running them. If any service is not running, reboot the server. The account running the services must be the dedicated Qlik service account created for this Qlik installation--verify it has not been changed to any other user such as a company employee.

  5. There are 3 main directories for Qlik Sense. Verify that the Service Account has full access to all (Full Control).  In addition, check the "Sharing" tab as well to make sure this same account is listed under file sharing and has "Read/Write" abilities.

    1. C:\Program Files\Qlik 

    2. C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense

    3. Your Service Cluster folder as configured in the Management Console


To continue troubleshooting:

  1. Go to the Qlik Sense Management Console

  2. Delete all connections in the "Data Connections" tab that begins "Monitor_Apps_". 

  3. Next, go to the Apps tab and delete all monitoring apps that are named License Monitor, Operations Monitor, etc. (related to monitoring).

  4. This step is crucial and required: Delete all .QVD files related to the Monitoring Apps. They are located in the default C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log directory. All files related to "reloads", "governance", "monitor", need to be deleted. 

  5. In addition, go to the shared ArchivedLog shared folder in Windows and ZIP all log files especially the Engine logs, as anything older than 6 months can sometimes cause the reloads to fail. Once a ZIP is done, delete all log files. This is usually not required but is helpful in cases where the log files are too big and are causing reload issues.

  6. Now that the monitoring apps have been cleaned up, as well as the underlying files causing issues, open the QMC again.

  7. In the Apps section of the QMC, import the new default monitoring apps using the "Import" button within the "Apps" section of the QMC. C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Repository\DefaultApps

  8. Next, check the Virtual Proxy to see if they use a prefix. If so, this prefix needs to be included in the connection string for each “monitoring_app” Data Connection. (e.g. https://qlikserver1/prefix123/qps  instead of https://qlikserver1/qps  ; assuming the Virtual Proxy prefix is named “prefix123”.

  9. Check the Proxy and verify the HTTPS Default port is 443. If not, update the DC connection strings.

  10. Check the Proxy and verify that Kerberos Authentication is not enabled.

  11. It is required that at least one virtual proxy uses the Windows authentication pattern for the monitoring apps to work. Just confirm you are using "Windows" in the Virtual Proxy settings under the "Authentication" section.

  12. After which, click on "Tasks" under "Associated Items" for each Monitoring App that was imported and create an automatic rule to have them automatically refresh. Set the time for the first start to 1 minute from now so that the trigger will automatically kick off once you save. After running through all of these steps, be sure to delete this rule afterwards so that they don't try to load every 1 minute.

  13. Go to the "Data Connections" section of the QMC to verify that new "QRS_" (before June 2017) or "Monitor_Apps_" (June 2017+) data connections were automatically re-created.

  14. Open one of them and view the entire connection string. Verify that this exists in the string ";skipServerCertificateValidation=true;". Now verify all of the other "monitor_apps_" data connections to check that this is listed in the connection string. This is often the cause of issues post-upgrade.

  15. Verify if https://localhost or the FQDN should be listed in each connection string and change if needed. FQDN is required for multi-nodes or cloud solutions – or when files are not local. It's highly suggested to never use localhost. Review the beginning of the connection string for each "monitor_app" data connection as well as the end, since the URL (e.g. localhost or FQDN) will be listed twice and both need updating.

  16. Open each Data Connection beginning with Monitor_Apps_, and update the User ID and Password fields (must use the Service Account running the Qlik Services… look in Windows Services). Note: this service account must be an administrator with Full Control and be a part of the required AD Groups listed in the installation guide. For example, if the Qlik Services show the user running these services is “domain123\qvservice” then enter “domain123\qvservice” as the User ID in each “monitor_app” Data Connection, and then enter the password for this service account. Repeat for each “monitor_app” data connection. This is also one of the main causes of monitoring app issues, especially if you get a "4xx" error such as a "401 Unauthorized". A "401 Unauthorized" is generally caused by the wrong User ID, wrong Password, or leaving the User ID as default (.\admin).

    On a related note, if the Qlik Services within Windows Services show the user account is local, such as “.\qlikservice”, then the User ID that will need to be entered in the QMC for every Data Connection that begins with “monitor_apps_” will need to be (servername\serviceuser). For example, if the central server’s name is “Server123”, and the Qlik Services show that “.\qlikservice” is the service account running Qlik Services, then enter in “Server123\qlikservice” as the User ID in the QMC for each data connection.

  17. It's time to check if everything is now working properly. Go to the Apps section, click on the monitoring apps that were imported, choose "More Actions" and click "Reload Now".

  18. Go to the "Tasks" tab to see if they reloaded. Hit refresh in the top right of the QMC page.

  19. This issue should now be addressed. Reload the tasks manually and collect the Script Reload Logs for review.

  20. If the reloads are now working, be sure to edit the scheduled reload times for the monitoring apps. As noted above, we set this to occur every minute for testing purposes. It's suggested to change this to once daily or weekly.

  21. In case of the reload tasks still fail, download the script reload logs on this page for the tasks that fail, and add it to the support case for further review.


Related Helpful Articles:

Other major items to check, verify, or change:

  • Tasks Ensure that the connection string for each monitoring app data connection has https://localhost listed instead of “http”, unless you have a multi-node environment in which you MUST use the FQDN of the central server instead of “localhost”.
  • Check if the service accounts are interactive. Both the user that logged into the system and the service account needs access to the data connectors for the monitoring tools.
  • The names of the connections in the Data Connections tab of the QMC begin with “monitor_apps_” 
  • The “Owner” of these monitoring apps’ Data Connections should be listed as “sa_repository(Internal\sa_repository), which is the default owner.
  • Verify that the “ArchivedLogsFolder” item (with the Data Connection tab of the QMC) is present.
  • If you are using a “Prefix” within the Virtual Proxy section of the QMC, this prefix must be appended to the data connection. This is usually the cause of issues if you upgrade your Qlik version and use a Prefix for your virtual proxy. For example, if you use a Virtual Proxy Prefix called “prod” then your data connection would resemble “url=https://localhost/prod/qrs/app” instead of “url=https://localhost/qrs/app”.
  • Check the Proxy and verify the HTTPS Default port is 443. If not, update the DC connection strings.
  • The service account must have administrator privileges and be added in “local users and groups” to the following groups: Qlik Sense Service Users and Performance Monitor Users
  • The service account must be assigned Full Control permissions for the folder %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense
  • If the service user account is changed, you must run the proper bootstrap commands and also follow THIS article related to Changing the user account type to run the Qlik Sense services on an existing site
  • The service account must exist in the QMC as a User and also be set as a RootAdmin
  • If you go to edit one of the data connections such as "monitor_apps_rest_user", verify that the UserID and Password is correct. It should be the default account used to install Qlik, or the admin service account that are running the Qlik Services if you go to the "Services" area of the server and look at the user running the Qlik services. This is often the case of monitoring apps still failing if the rest of the steps do not work. Re-type in the User ID and Password for each UDC and save, to see if things now work, as in client environments they change passwords often but do not update the QMC as necessary. All “monitor_apps_” data connections would need the password updated. This user (in each Data Connections) listed as the User ID must also be set as a “RootAdmin” (when editing the user in the “Users” section of the QMC).
  • Delete all monitoring apps and qrs/monitor_apps data connections then go to "C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log" and you will see files such as"Operations_Monitor_Reload_Stats_3.1.0.qvd". Zip up all of these files into one ZIP and then delete them all. This may resolve issues related to corrupt .qvd file.
  • The Rest connector file "QvRestConnector.exe.config" file may be missing from its default location. This rest connector error can be tested and replicated by double clicking on the "QvRestConnector.exe" file directly within the installation folder "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Qlik\Custom Data\QvRestConnector". An example URL to use is,+Mountain+View,+CA... then click OK to see if you get data on the next screen.
  • In QMC Virtual Proxies / Authentication, change he "Windows authentication pattern" to "Form" instead of "Windows" then login to the Hub as the Service user to replicate the service user running the app. Change it back to “Windows” afterwards instead of “Forms” though.
  • For the Operations Monitor and License Monitor to reload correctly, it is required that at least one virtual proxy uses the Windows authentication pattern.
  • Monitoring apps will fail if “Kerberos Authentication” is enabled within the QMC-->Proxy section.
Labels (1)

20210210T123825.171-0600 0701 Mapping LOAD
20210210T123825.171-0600 0702 [__FK_user]&'user' as key,
20210210T123825.171-0600 0703 LOWER(userDirectory & '\' & userId) as UserId
20210210T123825.172-0600 0705 SQL SELECT
20210210T123825.172-0600 0706 (SELECT
20210210T123825.172-0600 0707 "id",
20210210T123825.172-0600 0708 "userId",
20210210T123825.172-0600 0709 "userDirectory",
20210210T123825.172-0600 0710 "__FK_user"
20210210T123825.172-0600 0711 FROM "user" FK "__FK_user")
20210210T123825.172-0600 0712 FROM JSON (wrap on) "root" PK "__KEY_root"
20210210T123826.149-0600 2 fields found: key, UserId,
20210210T123826.171-0600 Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
20210210T123826.171-0600 Error: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
20210210T123826.171-0600 Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
20210210T123826.172-0600 Execution Failed
20210210T123826.200-0600 Execution finished.

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

clarification required:
"If the version of Qlik is June or newer,  ..."
should be
"If the version of Qlik is June 20?? or newer,  ..."

Digital Support
Digital Support

Hello @john_oll 

This was originally written when we moved from 3.x to the current versioning model, so all the Junes in this reference are for June 2017. As this is outdated, I have begun reworking the article to remove unnecessary references.

All the best,


Version history
Last update:
‎2023-06-29 10:58 AM
Updated by: