It is common to override Talend Studio jars with external/new jars, as demonstrated in the documentation page titled "Customizing the Maven URI for External Module Deployment".
However when trying to override a jar with another jar that is already installed in Studio, you will get in the error below. In the example below, the goal is to replace all references to Snowflake JDBC 3.13.30 with Snowflake 3.13.29. Both drivers are already installed in Studio/exist in the .m2 folder.
To get to the window above, navigate to Window | Show View in Talend Studio and choose Modules:
Open the Module view in the bottom, click on the Maven URI/component you want to customize and click the "..." button.
To point all references of Snowflake JDBC from version 3.13.30 to 3.13.29, remove the value of the Module File, check the Custom MVN URI, and enter the path of the existing module into the URI field. Below is an example that demonstrates the addition of the complete maven path for the Snowflake 3.13.29 driver.
NOTE: This change will affect all components that reference the jar. In the example below, 11 components utilize Snowflake JDBC 3.13.30. If you confirm the aforementioned selection, all 11 components will switch to using JDBC 3.13.29. It is not possible to selectively update specific components that rely on 3.13.30 to use 3.13.29, all 11 references will change.
Once you click the "OK" button, all references will change. As demonstrated below, all modules that were previously pointing to 3.13.30.jar will now use the Maven URI for 3.13.29.jar.
If the module needs to be reverted, simply return to the same window and uncheck "Custom Maven URI".