One or more of the following QlikView Services fail to start:
- QlikView Management Service (QMC)
- QlikView Directory Service Connector (DSC)
- QlikView Web Server (QVWS)
- QlikView Distribution Service (QDS)
The following is logged in the individual services log files:
Shutting down the service since there are data with invalid encryption. To continue, activate the 'EraseUndecryptableData' config flag by setting it to true in the config file to erase the invalid data.
At start-up, each service validates all its encrypted data entries to ensure they are accessible. If the service encounters data that cannot be decrypted, it reports it as an error and stops its own execution.
The error found in the Management Service log indicates that there was a problem with the certificates used by the QlikView services and that it can no longer decrypt important data.
This can be caused by:
- An upgrade failure
- An invalid certificate
- Accidental deletion of certificates
The process for erasing the "UndecryptableData" requires a modification to the individual services configuration files.
For an overview on this topic, please review the QlikView online help chapter on Certificate Trust, in particular the Undecryptable Data section.
The below example was written for the QlikView Management Service but can be adapted for any other service.
To delete "UndecryptableData", add a value to the QVManagementService.exe.config file, unless it is already present.
- Shut down the QlikView Management service
- Locate the file QVManagementService.exe.config by default located in "C:\Program Files\QlikView\Management Service"
- Open the file in a text editor
- Below <!-- ****** QlikView Management Service - BACKEND ****** --> add the following section:
<!-- Set to true if the Management service will not start due to being unable to decrypt after upgrade -->
<add key="EraseUndecryptableData" value="true"/>
- Save the file in the original location.
- Start the QlikView Management service from Windows Services console and verify it starts up and then stops again.
- Repeat the steps, removing the line this time, and restart the service once more.
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