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The Qlik Sense Monitoring Applications for Cloud and On Premise

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The Qlik Sense Monitoring Applications for Cloud and On Premise

Last Update:

Feb 7, 2024 5:55:19 AM

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Created date:

Aug 30, 2021 7:22:46 AM

Qlik Sense offers a range of Monitoring Applications that come pre-installed with the product.  This article aims to provide information on where to find information about them or where to download them.



Qlik Cloud

Entitlement Analyzer for Qlik Cloud

The Entitlement Analyzer is a Qlik Sense application built for Qlik Cloud, which provides Entitlement usage overview for your Qlik Cloud tenant.

The app provides:

  • Which users are accessing which apps
  • Consumption of Professional, Analyzer and Analyzer Capacity entitlements
  • Whether you have the correct entitlements assigned to each of your users
  • Where your Analyzer Capacity entitlements are being consumed, and forecasted usage

For more information and to download the app and usage instructions, see The Entitlement Analyzer for Qlik Cloud.

App Analyzer for Qlik Cloud

The App Analyzer is a Qlik Sense application built for Qlik Cloud, which helps you to analyze and monitor Qlik Sense applications in your tenant.

The app provides:

  • App, Table and Field memory footprints
  • Synthetic keys and island tables to help improve app development
  • Threshold analysis for fields, tables, rows and more
  • Reload times and peak RAM utilization by app

For more information and to download the app and usage instructions, see Qlik Cloud App Analyzer.

Reload Analyzer for Qlik Cloud

The Reload Analyzer is a Qlik Sense application built for Qlik Cloud, which provides an overview of data refreshes for your Qlik Cloud tenant.

The app provides:

  • The number of reloads by type (Scheduled, Hub, In App, API) and by user
  • Data connections and used files of each app’s most recent reload
  • Reload concurrency and peak reload RAM
  • Reload tasks and their respective statuses

For more information and to download the app and usage instructions, see Qlik Cloud Reload Analyzer.

Access Evaluator for Qlik Cloud

The Access Evaluator is a Qlik Sense application built for Qlik Cloud, which helps you to analyze user roles, access, and permissions across a tenant.

The app provides:

  • User and group access to spaces
  • User, group, and share access to apps
  • User roles and associated role permissions
  • Group assignments to roles

For more information and to download the app and usage instructions, see Qlik Cloud Access Evaluator.

How to automate your Qlik Cloud Monitoring Apps

Do you want to automate the installation, upgrade, and management of your Qlik Cloud Monitoring apps? With the Qlik Cloud Monitoring Apps Workflow, made possible through Qlik's Application Automation, you can:

  1. Install/update the apps with a fully guided, click-through installer using an out-of-the-box Qlik Application Automation template. 
  2. Programmatically rotate the API key that is required for the data connection on a schedule using an out-of-the-box Qlik Application Automation template. This ensures that the data connection is always operational. 
  3. Get alerted whenever a new version of a monitoring app is available using Qlik Data Alerts. 

For more information and usage instructions, see Qlik Cloud Monitoring Apps Workflow Guide.

Other Qlik Cloud Monitoring Apps

Qlik Application Automation Monitoring App

This article shows how to use the Qlik Application Automation Monitoring App. It explains how to set up the load script and how to use the app for monitoring Qlik Application Automation usage statistics for a cloud tenant.

For more information and to download the app and usage instructions, see Qlik Application Automation monitoring app.

OEM Dashboard for Qlik Cloud

The OEM Dashboard is a Qlik Sense application for Qlik Cloud designed for OEM partners to centrally monitor usage data across their customers’ tenants. It provides a single pane to review numerous dimensions and measures, compare trends, and quickly spot issues across many different areas.

Although this dashboard is designed for OEMs, it can also be used by partners and customers who manage more than one tenant in Qlik Cloud.

For more information and to download the app and usage instructions, see Qlik Cloud OEM Dashboard & Console Settings Collector.

The Qlik Cloud monitoring applications are provided as-is and are not supported by Qlik. Over time, the APIs and metrics used by the apps may change, so it is advised to monitor each repository for updates and to update the apps promptly when new versions are available.

If you have issues while using these apps, support is provided on a best-efforts basis by contributors to the repositories on GitHub.

Monitoring Apps for Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows

Operations Monitor and License Monitor

The Operations Monitor loads service logs to populate charts covering performance history of hardware utilization, active users, app sessions, results of reload tasks, and errors and warnings. It also tracks changes made in the QMC that affect the Operations Monitor.

The License Monitor loads service logs to populate charts and tables covering token allocation, usage of login and user passes, and errors and warnings.

For a more detailed description of the sheets and visualizations in both apps, visit the story About the License Monitor or About the Operations Monitor that is available from the app overview page, under Stories.

Basic information can be found here:

The License Monitor 
The Operations Monitor 

Both apps come pre-installed with Qlik Sense. 

If a direct download is required: Sense License Monitor | Sense Operations Monitor. Note that Support can only be provided for Apps pre-installed with your latest version of Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows. 

App Metadata Analyzer

The App Metadata Analyzer app provides a dashboard to analyze Qlik Sense application metadata across your Qlik Sense Enterprise deployment. It gives you a holistic view of all your Qlik Sense apps, including granular level detail of an app's data model and its resource utilization.

Basic information can be found here: 

App Metadata Analyzer (

For more details and best practices, see: 

App Metadata Analyzer (Admin Playbook)

The app comes pre-installed with Qlik Sense.


The Monitoring & Administration Topic Group

Looking to discuss the Monitoring Applications? Here we share key versions of the Sense Monitor Apps and the latest QV Governance Dashboard as well as discuss best practices, post video tutorials, and ask questions.

Monitoring & Administration 


Other Apps

LogAnalysis App: The Qlik Sense app for troubleshooting Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows logs 
Sessions Monitor, Reloads-Monitor, Log-Monitor 
Connectors Log Analyzer 

All Other Apps are provided as-is and no ongoing support will be provided by Qlik Support.
Labels (1)
Digital Support
Digital Support

Hello @Alihan_02 

Can you specify what product you are asking about here? Qlik Cloud or On Premise?

For on premise: License Monitor, specifically the Allocation History.

If you are looking for this in Cloud, you can use the Entitlement Analyzer. While it does not have a chart available by default to see when a license (entitlement) was assigned, you can create a simple table and use the Assinged user (mind the typo, that is what the field is called)and AssignedDate fields. Like this:



All the best,



Contributor III
Contributor III

Thank you i found this field last week 🙂 

Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor


Is there any monitoring app for Qlik SaaS reporting like we can check in which dashboard we have used qlik reporting with its task and recipients.

Creator III
Creator III

Hi @Sonja_Bauernfeind 

i getting this error on AppAnalyzer did i miss something?

The following error occurred:
(Connector error: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)
The error occurred here:
RestConnectorMasterTable: SQL SELECT "static_byte_size", "has_section_access", "is_direct_query_mode", "__KEY_root", (SELECT "cpu_time_spent_ms", "peak_memory_bytes", "__KEY_reload_meta", "__FK_reload_meta", (SELECT "logical_cores", "total_memory", "__FK_hardware" FROM "hardware" FK "__FK_hardware") FROM "reload_meta" PK "__KEY_reload_meta" FK "__FK_reload_meta"), (SELECT "name", "is_system", "is_hidden", "is_semantic", "distinct_only", "cardinal", "total_count", "is_locked", "always_one_selected", "is_numeric", "comment", "byte_size", "__KEY_fields", "__FK_fields", (SELECT "@Value", "__FK_src_tables" FROM "src_tables" FK "__FK_src_tables" ArrayValueAlias "@Value"), (SELECT "@Value" AS "@Value_u0", "__FK_tags" FROM "tags" FK "__FK_tags" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u0") FROM "fields" PK "__KEY_fields" FK "__FK_fields"), (SELECT "name" AS "name_u0", "is_system" AS "is_system_u0", "is_semantic" AS "is_semantic_u0", "is_loose", "no_of_rows", "no_of_fields", "no_of_key_fields", "comment" AS "comment_u0", "byte_size" AS "byte_size_u0", "__FK_tables" FROM "tables" FK "__FK_tables") FROM JSON (wrap on) "root" PK "__KEY_root" WITH CONNECTION ( URL "" )

i just remove the tentant ID and app Id for security reasons

Hi @TcnCunha_M ,

That happens when the app has been deleted and no longer exists mid-reload. The latest versions of the App Analyzer should automatically handle for that (it now checks immediately before fetching the metadata). Ensure you are on the latest version and reload again. If you continue to see this error, please log an issue on the GitHub page:



Creator III
Creator III

i have got yesterday the version @Daniel_Pilla 

Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi @Daniel_Pilla  @Thomas_Hopp . I'm working on migrate Apps from Qlik Sense Enterprise to Qlik Cloud, i would like to know if there is an update about sheet-level and object-level usage data. Is this capability on the roadmap?

Thanks in advance


Hi @julianortiz ,

Sheet-level tracking has now been added to the App Analyzer in Qlik Cloud. Object-level tracking is not on the roadmap currently for Qlik Cloud due to the verbosity of the event.


You can go here to learn about how to install the monitoring apps to grab the latest App Analyzer:




The latest version of App Analyzer is great! My only suggestion: Can we show the actual Sheet descriptions and not only their IDs?

Thanks for providing us these great tools!


Hi @amonjaras_c40 ,

The sheet names are not present because it is not yet possible to resolve them RESTfully. The sheet names are stored within the engine, and are not present in the sheet view audit event ( which is where we get the sheet Ids currently. Once app object metadata becomes RESTfully available (this is planned), it will be added to the app.

And we are happy you find the apps useful! Thanks for the kind words.


Version history
Last update:
‎2024-02-07 05:55 AM
Updated by: