This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to backup the Qlik Sense Repository Database.
Here is a link to more information in the Support Knowledge Base:
How to backup or restore the PostgreSQL database in Qlik Sense
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Video Transcript:
Hi and welcome to Qlik Fix!
This video will demonstrate how to backup the Qlik Sense Repository database.
These instructions are found on in the “backing up a Qlik Sense Site “ documentation.
First, you need to stop all of the Qlik Sense Services
EXCEPT the Qlik Sense Repository Database on every node in your deployment.
Next, open a command prompt with administrator privileges on the machine hosting the database
This should be done from the PostgreSQL 9.6 bin folder
Copy, this command from the documentation and paste it in the command line.
PG_DUMP is a built-in command for Postgres utilities that comes with the Qlik Sense installation
The host, LocalHost means this machine has the repository.
The port
The database user defined when installing
The destination path of the backup.
I’m saving this to a new shared folder I’ve made on this machine.
And the target database, QSR – this is required.
I recommend adding a “-V” to add some verbosity so that you can actually see the backup taking place.
And enter the postgres user password
And done.
Now, just verifying that the back-up has been made.
There it is.
I hope this helped.
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Thanks for watching!
Nailed it!