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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to activate the Qlik SAP Connector or update the license in use.
Here is a link to more information in the Support Knowledge Base:
Qlik SAP Connector: Activating/updating license
Video Transcript:
Hi and Welcome to Qlik Fix
This video demonstrates how to activate the Qlik SAP Connector or update the license in use.
After installing the SAP Connector either in a Qlik Sense or QlikView environment, the connector executable files are placed in this location. (C:\Program Files\Common Files\QlikTech\Custom Data\)
In order to activate the SAP Connector, under the QvSAPSqlConnector folder, run the QvSAPSqlConnector.exe file.
Under the Help drop down button, click on Update license.
If internet connection is available use the first option. Otherwise, select second option "Enter license text" and used full LEF information.
If the LEF content is unknown it can be retrieved via the Support Portal. See the knowledge base article "How to request a control number and LEF" in Qlik Community.
Fill in the 16-digit License key, Control number, and remaining fields, then click Update. If successful it will be indicated with this message.
The LEF information is retrieved and stored in the Lef.txt file under this location. (C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Custom Data\QvSAPConnector)
If licensing for use with QlikView the license update may be triggered via QlikView Desktop by selecting one of the SAP connector options, and clicking Connect.
If the QvSAPSqlConnector.exe option is selected, the same interface mentioned is displayed where the license can be updated under Help, Update License.
If you’d like more information,
search for answers using the unified search tool on the Support Portal.
It searches across the support knowledge base, Qlik Community, Qlik Help site, and Qlik YouTube channels.
Take advantage of the expertise of peers, product experts, and technical support engineers by asking a question in a Qlik Product Forum on Qlik Community.
And don’t forget to subscribe to the Support Updates Blog.
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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video will demonstrate how to use Qlik-CLI for SaaS to migrate Apps from your on-premises Qlik Sense environment to your Qlik Sense SaaS edition. Qlik-CLI makes it possible for scripting and automating App migration.
Here is a link to the Support Knowledge Base article which contains links to mentioned documentation.
How to use Qlik-CLI to Migrate Apps to Qlik Sense SaaS
Video Transcript:
Hi and welcome to Qlik Fix!
This video will demonstrate how to use Qlik-CLI for SaaS to migrate Apps from your on-premises Qlik Sense environment to your Qlik Sense SaaS edition.
Qlik-CLI makes it possible for scripting and automating App migration.
The tool may be installed and connected to you Qlik Sense SaaS tenant following the steps mentioned in this Community knowledge base article. (https://community.qlik.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/How-to-install-and-start-using-Qlik-CLI-for-SaaS-editions-of/ta-p/1796143)
Qlik-CLI can also be used to connecting to Qlik Sense on Windows via the QRS API.
As with SaaS Editions of Qlik Sense, the connection to Qlik Sense on Windows also requires a API Key for authentication. (qlik context get andresostizzo.us.qlikcloud.com)
The API key is essentially a JSON Web Token, or JWT, usually pronounced as jot.
So the first step is to have a new Virtual Proxy configured to accept JWT Authentication.
This will allow for qlik-cli to establish a trusted connection with the Qlik Sense server.
For detailed steps with enabling and testing JWT Authentication, take a look at this knowledge base article in community on how to set it up.
In this video's example however, we use the openssl commands found in this qlik.dev page to create a certificate and private key that are used for signing the JWT. (https://qlik.dev/tutorials/using-qlik-sense-on-windows-repository-api-qrs-with-qlik-cli#create-a-public--private-key-pair-for-signing-jwts)
Then, we create the JWT with the code sample found in this section, using Node. (https://qlik.dev/tutorials/using-qlik-sense-on-windows-repository-api-qrs-with-qlik-cli/#tokenjs-code-sample)
NodeJS can be downloaded from the Nodejs.org website. (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
After installing it, the jsonwebtoken module needs to be installed with the following node package management (NPM) command. (npm install jsonwebtoken)
Now we can edit the provided Token.js javascript code for creating the token.
Note that the userid and userdirectory attributes names as well as the value specified for the audience (aud) attribute are all case sensitive, and need to match what is configured in the Virtual Proxy.
Also make sure to indicate an existing licensed user for the userid and userdirectory.
For jwtEncryptionKey, fill in the location for the private key file generated previously with openssl.
Now we can run this code with the following node command. (node token.js)
The token should be created and displayed.
Next, we need to create the context for the connection with the Qlik Sense server.
Run the following command with values for the context name, URL for the Virtual Proxy, server type as Windows, and the api-key which is the new JWT created. (qlik context create QSEoW --server --server-type windows --api-key)
Note that if an IP or alias is used in the URL, it needs to be added to the Virtual Proxy's list of allowed hosts.
Now we switch to the newly created context with the context use command, and we are ready to run qlik qrs commands.
For example, the following command will retrieve a list of Apps and their IDs in JSON format. (qlik qrs app ls --insecure | jq -r '.[] | {"name":.name,"id":.id}')
Notice that the --insecure flag allows for the command to be run from outside the Qlik Sense server itself.
Also note that we are piping the output to a JSON processing tool called JQ.
JQ can be downloaded from the following web page. (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/)
Another example would be the need to retrieve App IDs for a specific Stream.
Adding the stream name object in the JQ command, and then piping it to the select-string command can help listing the App names and ids that were published to the specified stream.
(qlik qrs app ls --insecure | jq -r '.[] | {"name":.name,"id":.id,"stream":.stream.name}' | select-string "Monitoring apps" -context 2,0)
Next we can export one of these apps. Let's first set the variables for the App ID, the exported filepath, and new filename.
Now we can use these variables in the following command for exporting the App.
Note that the --skipdata flag exports the App without data.
This is beneficial with larger Apps since there is an upload size limit of 1GB when importing Apps to Qlik Sense SaaS editions.
More information on app sizing is available in the following article. (https://community.qlik.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Qlik-Sense-Business-and-Enterprise-SaaS-App-Size-Storage-Size/ta-p/1710690)
We will also add the flag -v to enable verbose mode and display more result information.
We can see that a 200 OK is returned, and that the app is successfully exported.
The next step is to import the App into the Qlik Sense SaaS instance.
First we need to switch to the context used for your Qlik Sense SaaS tenant.
Review the values stored in our variables.
Then use the following command to import the App, and store its ID to the "SaaSApiID" powershell variable.
The App should now show in Cloud Hub under Explore.
Keep in mind that exported apps do not contain original private sheets and have the public sheets and stories set as private as seen here.
You may publish the sheets manually via Cloud Hub, or use qlik-cli as in the following example.
First review the imported App ID variable created previously.
With the following command obtain a list of sheets in the app.
Then, set all of them to public.
We can see the result in cloud hub and then notice the App is still found under the user's personal space.
The app may be assigned to a specific space, and many other tasks are available as well via Qlik-CLI.
Examples for Space assignment and owner changes can be found in the qlik.dev page shown here. (https://qlik.dev/tutorials/migrate-apps-from-qlik-sense-on-windows-to-qlik-sense-saas#place-the-app-in-a-shared-space)
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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
Take your bookmarks to the next level! This video will demonstrate how to use Dynamic Bookmarks, such as a "Max Year" bookmark that will always return the most recent year in the field.
This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video covers the scenarios in which the "too many sessions active in parallel" error message is expected to occur, and how to prevent it.
For more information see knowledge base article via the link below:
Troubleshoot no access pass or too many sessions active in parallel on Qlik Sense hub
Video Transcript:
Hi and welcome to Qlik Fix!
This video covers the scenarios in which the "too many sessions active in parallel" error message is expected to occur, and how to prevent it.
Starting on the June 2019 release of Qlik Sense, the error message displayed here became a common occurrence.
Prior to the June 2019 release and since April 2018 when Professional and Analyzer licensing model was released, the error message indicating "you have no access pass" was expected to be displayed instead, which was misdleading.
The issue is due to the maximum allowed five authentication sessions that can be active at any time in Qlik Sense. See Access Assignment in Qlik Help site. (https://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense-admin/November2020/Subsystems/DeployAdministerQSE/Content/Sense_DeployAdminister/Common/Server-Licensing-Access-Types.htm)
The maximum of five allowed sessions applies to authenticated licensed users, so after opening multiple authentication sessions from different browsers or computers, we see the error message displayed to the client after attempting to open the sixth session.
In this storage location we can review the Qlik Sense repository audit security logs which will have lines registered indicating that the SessionCount has reached a value of five, so it logs UsageDenied in reference to this issue.
Note that different tabs on the same browser normally use the same authentication session and do not lead to the same issue.
This issue is more commonly observed when an administrator uses the Qlik Sense service account to manage and develop Apps via the Hub.
This occurs because the service account has been assigned a professional or analyzer license, and the number of sessions limit is imposed not just for client connections, but also internal system connections to the Qlik Sense Proxy API, such as for Monitoring app reload tasks, which use the service account by default.
In order to prevent this issue, administrators should not use the service account for developing and managing apps via the Qlik Sense hub.
Instead, use another licensed account, and do not allocate a license to the Qlik Sense service account.
If the issue is reported with a regular user account, make sure the maximum number of sessions is not being reached for the user.
For more information on how to count the number of sessions, see the knowledge base article "How to count sessions in Qlik Sense". (https://community.qlik.com/t5/Support-Knowledge-Base/How-to-count-sessions-in-Qlik-Sense/ta-p/1714209)
Note that when allocating the legacy User Access Pass to the service account, this issue may also delay or prevent Monitoring app reload tasks from being performed successfully.
This happens because the Qlik Sense service account is used to create sessions with the Qlik Sense Proxy API during the reload.
In order to prevent reload task issues, the recommendation is again to leave the Qlik Sense service account as a RootAdmin, without any license allocated to it.
An alternative would be to use another RootAdmin for the monitoring apps Data Connections that is not used in App development, and has no license allocated.
If you’d like more information,
search for answers using the unified search tool on the Support Portal.
It searches across the support knowledge base, Qlik Community, Qlik Help site, and Qlik YouTube channels.
Take advantage of the expertise of peers, product experts, and technical support engineers by asking a question in a Qlik Product Forum on Qlik Community.
And don’t forget to subscribe to the Support Updates Blog.
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Attached is a downloadable .mp4 video file for those who cannot view YouTube videos.
This video will demonstrate how to schedule a reload in Qlik cloud. Schedule a reload for any of your charts by day, time, and/or occurrence.
Check out more Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates to how to use automated log cleanup on Replicate. Automated cleanup simplifies the process of purging outdated logs in Replicate, requiring just a few simple steps.
This video demonstrates to publish a sheet. A publish sheet can be viewed by the collaborators who has access to it.
This video will demonstrate how to Monitor a Chart. Monitoring charts facilitate quick and effortless viewing of one's charts.
This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to install Qlik Replicate.
Video Transcript:
Hi and Welcome to Qlik Fix
This video will demonstrate how to install Qlik Replicate.
First, you can download the installer file by logging into the Qlik Product download site of Qlik Community.
Expand the compressed file, right-click the installer and Run as Administrator.
The installer requires Microsoft .NET 4.8, so the wizard will install that first.
Click Next on the Qlik Replicate Install wizard
Read and agree to the customer agreement.
Set the location for program files. This location must be a local drive.
Now the location for the data files. This will be the location for all of the task information and log files It’s recommended that this be a large location and CAN be a network drive.
Here you have the option to install a local Replicate Server or if you had already installed Replicate on a Linux box, you could set this up to connect to that Linux based Replicate server.
We’re doing a fresh installation on this Windows machine.
Review the current settings and start to install.
Now, once it’s finished, I’ll check those newly installed Windows services:
The Qlik Replicate Server and Qlik Replicate UI server services. Both are running.
These services are by default set to run as Local System, but if you require that the services be run by a user account, that account must be a local administrator on this machine.
One tip, the data folder locations that we set during the installation for both the program files and the data files can be reviewed here.
To access the Qlik Replicate console, it can be found from the start menu.
This server has a self signed certificate, that why we’re seeing this warning.
Login using the service account that we used during the installation.
The first thing to do is to click on Register to enter the license for activation.
This should be a text file that was sent from Qlik. You can Open that text file and copy the contents and paste it in here OR
You can click on Load and navigate to that same file, and click on Register License.
That creates a communication with the Qlik licensing server, and now the Replicate server is registered.
To review the registered license from the Replicate console,
Click on the drop down menu, select Server
Click on License on the left, that here you can see the details of the registered license, like the expiration date. If you have an update to the license, you can always click on the Register License button from here and register a new or updated license.
Now Qlik Replicate is ready and you can begin to setup the specific end points you want to use.
I hope this helps.
This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to install Qlik Enterprise Manager.
Hi and Welcome to Qlik Fix
This video will demonstrate how to install Qlik Enterprise Manager.
First, you can download the installer file by logging into the Qlik Product download site of Qlik Community.
Expand the compressed file, right-click the installer and Run as Administrator.
Click Next on the Install wizard.
Read and agree to the customer agreement.
The default folder for the installation and data files can be changed, but it must be on a local drive.
Click finish once this first step is complete.
Qlik Enterprise Manager uses PostgreSQL to support it’s analytics module for managing multiple instances of Qlik Replicate.
So, I’ll continue the installation by setting up PostgreSQL.
These four components are all included. Next.
Set the PostgreSQL data folder location.
And since this is the initial setup of the database, the Superuser password must be set.
Since this will be used with Enterprise Manager, leave the default port.
Review the settings and begin the installation.
Once that’s completed, Stack builder isn’t actually necessary, so I’ll uncheck this option, and Finish.
Start Enterprise Manager by searching for it, and launch the console.
The first step is to register the license.
This should
This should be received as a text file.
Just copy the contents of that.
And paste the license text here, and Register.
Now that Enterprise Manager is license, click on Servers, and create a connection to a running Qlik Replicate server., click on Add Server
Provide the name of the Replicate Server you’re connecting to
The host name can be copied from the URL of that Replicate server.
The user name and password of the account that was used during installation and to make this connection.
Test the connection – Success.
Okay, and the first connection was successfully added.
The green check mark indicates that the Replicate server is running and monitored by Enterprise Manager.
Next, to register the Analytics portion, Click on Analytics and Register.
Copy the second block on text in the license file.
Paste that in, and register.
Next, add the PostgreSQL Repository connection settings.
Enter those connection details.
Test – Success.
Now Save.
Initializing will remove any previously existing data, and start new.
I’ll go ahead and initialize and close.
So, the Analytics portion is ready.
Now Enterprise Manager is setup and ready to start creating tasks, and whatever you would like to do next.
I hope this helped.
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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to reload a single table in Qlik Compose without having to reload ALL of the tables in a Data Warehouse
Here is a link to more information in the Support Knowledge Base
Hi and Welcome to Qlik Fix
This video will demonstrate how to reload a single table in Qlik Compose,
Without having to reload ALL of the tables in a Data Warehouse task.
This can be done with both Data Warehouse AND Data Lake projects,
but this demo will be using a Data Warehouse project.
In this project, the data mart is built.
Click on the Source Database connection,
A Qlik Replicate Task is set as the source,
With the task name: SQL_Server_TO_SF.
This means that the Replicate Landing table is the source to our Qlik Compose task.
Test the connection – that’s successful.
In Qlik Replicate, we can see the details of that task.
This is a Microsoft SQL to Snowflake Full Load and Change Data Capture task.
So, the Snowflake on Azure endpoint is actually the Source for the Compose task.
The database name is EYD_LZ.
Back in Qlik Compose, you can see the same landing Database name, EYD_LZ.
To reload only the Order Details table,
Switch to Monitor mode,
If you highlight a specific table, it gives you the option to reload only that table.
However, if you go to Qlik Compose,
This is the Full Load task
And this is the Change Data Capture or CDC (Change Processing) task, and the option to reload only one table isn’t available.
Begin, by stopping the Replicate Task that is the source of the Compose task.
We can see the last time the Full Load was completed.
Stop the task.
Back in Qlik Compose, click on Manage, the Data Warehouse
To verify that we’re getting any recent changes or updates in Qlik Compose, we will run a CDC task once to capture those latest changes.
So, with CDC highlighted, click on Run the Change Data Capture task.
In this example there are no updates, but those would have been shown here.
The next step, is to go back to the Warehouse task, highlight the Full Load task, and Duplicate this task.
Give it a clear name. I will give it the same name, _DUP
Change the Task Type from the default to Full Load Only.
Highlight this new task, and since we only want to reload One table, uncheck the table we don’t want to reload, and select Handle Duplicates.
This is because we don’t want Compose to completely reload all the data from Replicate. We only want to capture the data that is missing.
When running the task, Qlik Compose will compare and only bring over the updates that are missing.
Now click on Generate.
Now that those instructions have been generated, back to Replicate,
Highlight only the table that we’re interested in, and click on Reload.
This will wait until we run the task, so click on the drop-down menu of the Run button, and select Resume Processing.
The task has started again, and Order Detail table will update with a new Loaded time here.
So, Replicate did a reload for one specific table, Order Details in this case.
Back in Compose, on the Landing_DUP,
Since the instructions have already been generated, click on Run to start the task
This is a one-time activity, only brining the missing changes to that specific table in Compose.
The missing updates would be listed here.
Now the data is in-sync in the Data Warehouse table.
Now that this is complete, to clean things up, go back into Data Warehouse management,
Highlight the _DUP task and delete it.
Select both of these options, and delete.
You can now continue to run normal CDC.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for watching.
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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to create a new analytics app in Qlik Cloud.
Here is a link to more information in the Support Knowledge Base
Hi and Welcome to Qlik Fix
This video will demonstrate how to create a new app in Qlik Cloud
First, login to your Qlik Cloud, and select your tenant.
Logging in will redirect you to the tenant hub, on the home tab.
To create an app, click on the Add New button at the top.
Select New Analytics App.
Enter a name, select the space.
A description and tags can also be added to help organize your apps.
Clicking on Create with this box checked will automatically open the app.
First, you need to add some data.
You can go directly into the data load editor;
create some new connections by dropping files here
or browsing through the many available connectors here and create new data connections;
Or You can immediately tap into existing data connections with the Data Catalog,
I’ll narrow this list of datasets by the space
here are some files I’ve already uploaded;
I’ll load all of these into the app.
Next is the Data Manager,
This is where connections between tables can be created.
You can see that Qlik is providing some recommended associations automatically based on the data. I agree with that analysis and select Apply All.
The tables are connected
And then press the Load Data button to load this data into memory.
Now there are some options for adding to this sheet.
I can explore the data a bit more and get some suggested insights using Insight Advisor.
I can ask some questions using natural language, or just start using the authoring tool.
All of the loaded fields and master items are on the left.
And I’m already able to apply selections to the data.
The data in the tables is previewed below.
I can expand this and select a different table.
Clear selections
And start to create a visualization by dragging and dropping fields into this new object.
I have the option to add this field as a dimension, a measure or let Qlik offer a suggestion.
It’s suggesting to make that a measure – Sum of Sales.
I’ll add another field to that, and see the suggestion update.
Now it’s a map.
Showing the sum of sales by country.
There are a lot of font styling options here as well.
I’ll use Arial for the title.
And I can easily start a new chart
I’ll choose Sales and Category.
It’s suggesting a bar chart, but I can play around and try out different chart types.
And there are a lot more option available by toggling the Advanced options here as well.
I think I’ll make this a pie chart.
When done, just click on the Edit Sheet button to leave edit mode.
And there’s my app.
Thanks for watching.
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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to safely add a table to an existing Log stream task in Qlik Replicate without affecting the parent tasks.
Here is a link to more information in the Support Knowledge Base
Attached is a downloadable .mp4 video file for those who cannot view YouTube videos.
Hi and Welcome to Qlik Fix
This video will demonstrate how to safely add a table to an existing Log stream task in Qlik Replicate.
Here is an example Log Stream Staging or Parent task
With a PostgreSQL Source and a Log Stream target already configured.
There are three tables: Branch, Branch Supplier and Csub Test that have been fully loaded.
The task is running and Change Data Capture or CDC is in progress.
Here is the child task that also points to PostgreSQL for the full load and then the log stream for CDC changes.
It’s using a File target for this demo.
In order to add a new table without impacting other tables,
First, stop the parent task.
Notice back on the child task, there is a warning log message stating that changes are not being captured.
Once the parent task is restarted the child task will pick up and continue where it left off.
Now stop the child task.
Back to the parent task, click on Table Selection to choose the table to add
Search, the trailspace table is the one that will be added. Add it with the arrows, OK.
Save that with the new table added.
Now from the Child task, Table Selection, Search
Notice that this new table isn’t available on the child task yet, as the parent task hasn’t been restarted yet.
Now from the Parent task, select Run > Resume Processing.
This will pick up where it left off with the original tables, and it will initiate a Full Load on the newly added table.
You can see this demonstrated with the different load time stamps of 1:08 for the original three tables and 1:17 for the fourth table.
Now that the parent task has completed a full load on the new table,
Go to the child task, table selection, search, and now the new table is available.
Bring that over, click ok.
And Run > Resume Processing on the child task.
Again, it initiated a Full Load only on the trailspace table, and not impacting the original tables.
Now Change Data Capture is running.
I’ll just add some inserts into that new trailspace table from PGAdmin to demonstrate this.
Qlik Replicate picks up those changes on the parent and child tasks and applies those changes to target.
I hope that helped.
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Thanks for watching.
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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to Restart a Qlik Replicate task from the Log Sequence Number or LSN for a Postgres source.
Attached is a downloadable .mp4 video file for those who cannot view YouTube videos.
Hi and Welcome to Qlik Fix
This video will demonstrate how to Restart a Replicate task from the Log Sequence Number or LSN for a Postgres source.
Here we have sample task with one table which has Full load and Change Data Capture enabled.
We have a postgres source and a file target.
We’re replicating once table called C-sub test.
The task is currently stopped and has already gone through a full load.
Here’s how the table looks via PGadmin on the source side.
The UserID field currently runs up to 1433.
These inserts here will bump those values up once run
However those changes are not replicating to our target file because the task is not running.
Now to demonstrate how to restart the task using LSN for the postgres source.
Restarting the task using LSN for the postgres source can be a useful method if there are issues or limitations using the Resume processing option.
Using the Advanced Run Options will allow you to go back in time and reprocess records from the past without running a full load.
Under advanced options, we want the second choice.
Unfortunately, for a postgres source, restart from a date and time is not supported.
So, we will specify the LSN start position in the source database log
where you would like to resume change processing.
There are two ways to find this position value
From Replicate log
Under Advanced Run Option in the Qlik Help documentation, there are some example queries to run to get the current LSN value in the source Database.
The second option is to get that value from the Replicate log file.
The logs can be found here under Program Files > Attunity > Replicate > Data > Logs
Ours is the most recent.
In the log file for the task, search for “Final saved task state"
After the words Stream Position is the LSN value that we’re looking for. Starting the replicate task from this position will pick up the changes that have occurred since the task was stopped.
Copy that.
Paste that value from the log in the Source Change position, then click okay
That task starts running again and it picked up those 2 inserts that were made after the task was stopped.
Those changes can even be confirmed in new change data capture log
Additionally, the task log confirms that the change data capture was initiated at the specified position, without performing a full load.
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by asking a question in a Qlik Product Forum.
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This engine allows you to search Qlik Knowledge Base Articles,
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multiple Qlik YouTube channels and more, all from one place.
There’s also the Support space.
We recommend you subscribe to the Support Updates Blog,
And learn from Qlik experts via a webinar, like Techspert Talks or Q&A with Qlik.
Thanks for watching.
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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to publish an app from Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows to Qlik Cloud as a part of Qlik’s multi-cloud SaaS offering.
For more information:
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Hi and Welcome to Qlik Fix.
This video will demonstrate how to publish an app from Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows
to Qlik Cloud as a part of Qlik’s multi-cloud SaaS offering.
Start by verifying that the license being used in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows
is a Signed License Key. License Key plus control number method of licensing is not compatible with Multi-Cloud deployments.
This Signed License Key should also be the same one applied to our Tennant in Qlik Cloud.
To check, go to this license overview address.
And verify that the license key being used here is the same as on Qlik Sense on Windows.
Now to set up the Multi-Cloud Deployment
Go to the Cloud Distribution settings
And click on Set Up New Deployment at the bottom
We’ll give it a name. This will be referenced again later.
The API end point is your Tenant URL
Copy that
I’m going to use a local token to connect Qlik Sense on Windows with the Cloud deployment
And with the Qlik Cloud Services Format checked, copy the token
Now back to the Cloud Management Console
Identity Provider at the bottom
And Create New
Select – Multi-Cloud
And paste in the Local Bearer Token that we just copied from Qlik Sense on Windows.
And Create
To test the connection, go to Cloud Distribution in the QMC,
Deployment Setup, and click on Test Connection.
Now we need to create a custom property that will be used when publishing apps from Windows to the Cloud deployment.
This will be attached to applications that will be pushed to the cloud.
Click on Apps
And the value should match the deployment name that we entered before in the Multi-Cloud Setup Console.
Now for the apps that we want to publish,
Go into the app,
and in Customer Properties
Specify the deployment we just setup, so that the setting is added to the app
The next step is to create a distribution policy
Create new
Let’s use a template for distribution
Add a name
Set the value to use the custom property
And Apply
Now let’s verify that the distribution happened by
Going back to the Cloud Hub
And there it is. That has just been published from Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows to the Qlik Cloud Hub.
This app is currently only accessible by one person.
To change this, go into Administration
Notice the alert about some apps in Staging Mode
Select the app
Click “Set Space”
And assign the app to a managed space so that other users can use the app.
Now back to the hub, in the details,
we can verify that the app is in the managed space.
Access to this space can be adjusted in the space settings.
Now let’s do this with a new app,
Let’s Import and example app to Qlik Sense on Windows.
Select the app, edit
Add the customer property
Now let’s publish the app.
Let’s publish it to a Stream on Windows
The publishing task applies the distribution policy
and the app will appear in both the Windows Hub Stream
and the Cloud Hub as a staged app.
I hope this helped.
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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video explains where to find the reload script logs depending on where the reload was triggered.
Here is a link to more information in the Support Knowledge Base:
How to find the Script (Reload) logs in Qlik Sense Enterprise
Video Transcript:
Hi and welcome to Qlik Fix!
This video explains where to find the reload script logs depending on where the reload was triggered.
When the app reload is triggered via the Hub from the Qlik Sense Data load editor (DLE), reload logs are placed on the server running the Qlik Sense Engine that is currently in use by the client.
This means that in a multi-node environment, each RIM node with an Engine service used by the specific Virtual Proxy needs to be checked for the new reload script log file.
One common way to know before hand which RIM node Engine service has been used is to use the function computername(), as seen in this example with a Text object.
It outputs the hostname of the server hosting the Engine service that is currently being used by the client.
In this case qlikserver2 is in use. We see here the reload task was saved in this location on qlikserver2 itself.
The log file name will contain the App ID as reference.
Note that unlike some other logs, script logs generated via the Hub do not get archived in the Share persistence location.
The share persistence storage location is used to store the reload script logs for reloads triggered by Tasks. This includes tasks triggered manually, or by being scheduled.
These script logs get archived in the Share as soon as the reload task is concluded.
In order to check the share location see Service cluster in QMC, under Archived logs root folder.
In that share location we see the log file created by the last reload task under the folder created for that RIM node, under the Script sub-folder.
Here the App ID is also used in the file naming convention for reference.
Note that by default only 4 script log files per App will be kept by Qlik Sense in the ArchivedLogs location.
The RIM node's host name can be retrieved at the same place that the most recent reload log can be retrieved via QMC.
Under the Status column when clicking on the Information icon the host name will be at the top, and the most recent log file can be downloaded by clicking on the "Download script log" button.
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Attached is a downloadable .mp4 video file for those who cannot view YouTube videos.
This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to download Qlik Products.
Here is a link to more information in the Support Knowledge Base:
Attached is a downloadable .mp4 video file for those who cannot view YouTube videos.
Click here for video transcript
This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.
This video demonstrates how to create a new O-auth data source connection so that you are redirected to the login page of the system you’re connecting to.
Sometimes while trying to add a new connection that uses OAuth authentication flow(for eg: Quickbooks connector) within an automation having multiple connections, it gets automatically connected to the previously linked user instead of redirecting it to the login page of the system.
A possible solution for this would be to log out from one account before logging into the other account if we want to add multiple connections of the same system. Please refer below video which shows up how to manually logout from a quickbooks account and then retry adding up a new connection for quickbooks within an automation.
This video demonstrates how to create a new O-auth data source connection so that you are redirected to the login page of the system you’re connecting to.
Let’s try connecting a new data source for quick books.
Assume we have multiple data sources already connected
If we click on add Link Connection,
it will automatically get connected to a previously signed in QuickBooks account
instead of redirecting to the login page of QuickBooks
In order to connect multiple data sources of QuickBooks using different accounts
First, Manually log out from QuickBooks
Retry adding up a new connection for QuickBooks by clicking on
add another QuickBooks connection
This will redirect to the login page of quick books
Where you can sign in with a different account
And now the new connection is made
I hope this helped.
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