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Qlik Fix: How to Install Qlik Replicate

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Qlik Fix: How to Install Qlik Replicate

Last Update:

Sep 6, 2023 4:53:21 AM

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Created date:

Sep 6, 2023 4:51:48 AM

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This video is part of the Qlik Fix Video series. If you found this video useful, check out the other Qlik Fix Videos.

This video demonstrates how to install Qlik Replicate.


Video Transcript:

Hi and Welcome to Qlik Fix
This video will demonstrate how to install Qlik Replicate.
First, you can download the installer file by logging into the Qlik Product download site of Qlik Community.
Expand the compressed file, right-click the installer and Run as Administrator.
The installer requires Microsoft .NET 4.8, so the wizard will install that first.
Click Next on the Qlik Replicate Install wizard
Read and agree to the customer agreement.
Set the location for program files. This location must be a local drive.
Now the location for the data files. This will be the location for all of the task information and log files It’s recommended that this be a large location and CAN be a network drive.
Here you have the option to install a local Replicate Server or if you had already installed Replicate on a Linux box, you could set this up to connect to that Linux based Replicate server.
We’re doing a fresh installation on this Windows machine.
Review the current settings and start to install.
Now, once it’s finished, I’ll check those newly installed Windows services:
The Qlik Replicate Server and Qlik Replicate UI server services. Both are running.
These services are by default set to run as Local System, but if you require that the services be run by a user account, that account must be a local administrator on this machine.
One tip, the data folder locations that we set during the installation for both the program files and the data files can be reviewed here.
To access the Qlik Replicate console, it can be found from the start menu.
This server has a self signed certificate, that why we’re seeing this warning.
Login using the service account that we used during the installation.
The first thing to do is to click on Register to enter the license for activation.
This should be a text file that was sent from Qlik. You can Open that text file and copy the contents and paste it in here OR
You can click on Load and navigate to that same file, and click on Register License.
That creates a communication with the Qlik licensing server, and now the Replicate server is registered.
To review the registered license from the Replicate console,
Click on the drop down menu, select Server
Click on License on the left, that here you can see the details of the registered license, like the expiration date. If you have an update to the license, you can always click on the Register License button from here and register a new or updated license.
Now Qlik Replicate is ready and you can begin to setup the specific end points you want to use.

I hope this helps.


Version history
Last update:
‎2023-09-06 04:53 AM
Updated by: