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Hello Guys,
for reporting purposes, we are currently creating PowerPoint Files, which include a variety of Screenshots taken from NPrinting-Excel Files (a lot of tables) as well as Qlik-Applications (diagrams). Bcz the PP Files contain a lot of screenshots, its a timely intense procedure...
Do you have any recommendations how to automatise this?
Or would it be better, to create a "Master-Power-Point" NPrinting Report, which contains all the tables and diagrams?
This would mean a lot of work....
Perhaps @Theo_Westseit, if you described your output/reporting requirement. ie: what comes out the other end of the NPrinting report that is required by the end user or users. we could better assist you.
If you have a multitude of different report output requirements, then it may necessary to created and design each report based on the business user or user's specifications.
Kind regards...
Qlik NPrinting can generates PowerPoint templates and it is described in detail at https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/May2021/Content/NPrinting/PowerPointReports/Intro-PowerPoint.h...
Instead of generate an Excel report and then copy and paste images to PowerPoint files you can create a PowerPoint template and schedule automatic reports generation.
Best Regards,