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Contributor II
Contributor II

Conditional formatting not working post May 2022 upgrade

@Ruggero_Piccoli We are using excel templates to generate our reports. It was working fine with May2021 but post upgrade to May 2022, conditional formatting rules are not working. 

Below is the snap from template for reference Where you can see the rules for conditions which are created to make some line BOLD, Underline or negative values in red ..etc .


This was working fine before May 2022 Upgrade. Below is the snap of report. You can see few lines are in Bold and Underline wherever given conditions are satisfying. 



However same templates conditional formatting rules are not working post May 2022 upgrade. 
Based on rules below highlighted rows should be Bold with Underline as per above snap but it is not.




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10 Replies


Until I do some tests in my installation please check the report generated by May 2022 to verify if the formulas of conditional formatting are replicated on the cells where they should do or not.

Then please let me know if you are using May 2022 IR, SR1 or SR2. Thanks

Best Regards,


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Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi - It looks like you have modified template and you have "Keep source format" enabled - did you check that?


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Contributor II
Contributor II

No Keep source format is not enabled.



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Ok, @guruleganesh87 is it also disabled when you expand and check on individual columns?



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Contributor II
Contributor II


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Well - there must be something causing this problem. In my opinion it is not a version as I am having 2 clients + my own instance running on the new version and conditional formats are working there ok.

I am trying to create similar rules to yours. Would you be able to share content of your second sheet in excel?


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Contributor II
Contributor II

We are also using 100+ templates  from last year and were working fine till May 2022 upgrade. Even we haven't made any changes in the templates. So if there is nothing changed it should keep working like earlier post May2022 upgrade as well. Unfortunately it's not working. 

However if you are creating the similar then in second sheet we have '0' and '4'. So wherever it's 4 then it should be Bold and Underline. And wherever it's 0 it will be in normal font without Bold and underline. like below.



It was coming as shown in above earlier but post upgrade Bold and Underline is not coming. See below snap. 






The Qlik NPrinting upgrade process does never modify the files of the templates. The Excel templates are files stored in the Server and, for example, if they have native formulas or charts etc those items are never changed by the upgrade procedure. So the upgrade procedure cannot be the cause of the issue mentioned here. 

I did some tests in May 2022 SR2 and the Excel native conditional formatting is working correctly. I opened a very old template and the first preview without any manual modification was correct. 

My suggestion is to correct the templates manually and check that the previews are fine.

You could send us a support ticket with everything to reproduce the issue so we can investigate it with your Qlik Sense app and Qlik NPrinting templates because I'm not able to reproduce it and in my installation it is working fine also starting from templates created before updating it.

Best Regards,


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Contributor II
Contributor II

Agree with you that upgrade doesn't modify the templates, that's where I am mentioning that templates are not changed.

We have 100+ templates(around 150) developed and kept in server. Same templates are being used from Qlik front end using on-demand and were working fine before upgrade. And when we were checking the same post upgrade, it's not working. 

So I have opened the template from N-Printing designer and checked the preview without any manual modification which is not working as earlier. 

After then I tried creating new template which is also not working. So not sure where and what is going wrong as I am following the same steps and created the same rules which are not working now.