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I'm currently working on a Nprinting transformation from NP16 to NP18 and I want to store HTML files in a certain folder. But I see that NP18 only stores ZIP files. Is there another way to solve this?
This was earlier addressed in this forum post, NPrinting November 2017 HTML reports ZIP file unzipped?, but there isn't an answer yet.
Kind Regards,
At the moment , June 2018, the output formats tables is the following https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/June2018/Content/DistributionSchedulesAutomation/Report-output...
There is not an option to obtain HTML reports not zipped. It is a requested feature that will be added in the future but I don't know when right now.
Best Regards,
When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT https://community.qlik.com/docs/DOC-14806. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads as HELPFUL if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads as HELPFUL if you feel additional info is useful to others.
Hey Jordy,
I experienced this same issue sometime back and we also needed our files to be in the format specified in NPrinting.
I decided to then setup a Powershell script to iterate through the folder on completion of the task, this script then extracted the file and renamed the file the same as the .zip filename and then finally removed the .zip file from the folder, leaving us with a clean list of files to use.
At the moment , June 2018, the output formats tables is the following https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/June2018/Content/DistributionSchedulesAutomation/Report-output...
There is not an option to obtain HTML reports not zipped. It is a requested feature that will be added in the future but I don't know when right now.
Best Regards,
When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT https://community.qlik.com/docs/DOC-14806. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads as HELPFUL if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads as HELPFUL if you feel additional info is useful to others.
Hi Justin,
That sounds a the perfect solution for us. Is it possible to share this Powershell script? That would help us a great deal!
Hi Jordy,
I see Justin has in fact attached the PowerShell script.
Some time ago I did something similar with 7-zip. See: NPrinting 17.1 - export HTML to destination (folder) issue
HTH - Daniel.
Hi Daniel,
I couldn't see that from my inbox, but that is great! justin.weldon, thank you for sharing!
Anytime Jordy, I tried to add comments in to explain the process but if you need anything please shout and I can help out with the setup should you need.
@Ruggero_Piccoli Is there any update on a timeframe when this feature (html reports not zipped) will be added?
No, I'm sorry, I don't have any update on this.
Best Regards,
When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads as HELPFUL if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads as HELPFUL if you feel additional info is useful to others.