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Hi all,
I have a table chart in my qliksense app and various filters.
I need to export this table chart in to PPT or PDF into different slides with different filters selected. How is this possible in NPrinting?
Thank you!
Powerpoint reports are limited to only what is in the visible space of the first PPTX slide.
Additional rows do not auto extend to the next slide unfortunately as this is a Microsoft Limitation and as such there is no possibility to enable this from the NPrinting side.
Overflow rows will not appear when using the 'presentation' mode. Only rows in the 'printable' area of the slide will appear.
Suggest that you use Pixel Perfect or MS word report editors to build your report if you need to see all rows in your report output.
Kind regards...
What you are asking is documented in the help site. If you are new to Qlik NPrinting I suggest you to start from https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/May2022/Content/NPrinting/Introduction/Get-started.htm
Creating PowerPoint reports is explained in details at https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/May2022/Content/NPrinting/PowerPointReports/Intro-PowerPoint.h... and they can be exported also in PDF. There are other types of templates that can be exported as PDF and they are listed in https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/May2022/Content/NPrinting/DistributionSchedulesAutomation/Repo.... If your main goal is to generate PDFs I suggest to start from a PixelPerfect template. It requires a longer development time but it lets you to set details at a very fine level. They are explained in https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/May2022/Content/NPrinting/PixelPerfectReports/Intro-PixelPerfe...
In you want to create a slide in a PowerPoint template for each distinct value of a field you can add it in the Pages node. The Pages node also supports straight tables, in that case you will have a different slide for each row of the added table. Each slide will be filtered by the value that generates it.
Best Regards,
will surely try that, Thank you!
For this you need to first create all the filters which you require in the N Printing
After that you need to add the same table multiple times as many as filters you have
Then apply each require filter to each table in different sheets in the filters options.
Best Regards,
Thanks Saurabh, I did try this now te issue is my table has around some 30 rows or so. when I try to use PPt format, and applying the image object of table, it is fitting all the columns but is missing out some bottom rows, even if I put only this object for entire slide it is like that only. How to increase the height of the image object in PPT NPrinting? any idea?
Did you already give a check at the page https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/May2022/Content/NPrinting/ReportsDevelopment/Image-Dimension-M...
Best Regards,
Powerpoint reports are limited to only what is in the visible space of the first PPTX slide.
Additional rows do not auto extend to the next slide unfortunately as this is a Microsoft Limitation and as such there is no possibility to enable this from the NPrinting side.
Overflow rows will not appear when using the 'presentation' mode. Only rows in the 'printable' area of the slide will appear.
Suggest that you use Pixel Perfect or MS word report editors to build your report if you need to see all rows in your report output.
Kind regards...
If you got just a table in your slide with 30 rows with not big labels, I think you can fit that in one slide, try to drag individual columns and reduce font size. I think with some manual formatting, you can manage to fit that in one slide. But yeah if you got other charts and if some of the columns got long text, it will be a challenge.
Few times I added table as an image and used the bottom left properties to shrink the chart by adding resolution in pixel, that helped sometimes.