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NPrinting Excel Dynamic table gets lost by using calculated fields

Hi, I´m trying to make a dynamic table in which I have to put a calculated field. It does the job right, the table is ok with the information as it should be, but when I open the Excel (on demand), it tells me the property of dynamic table had to be removed because integrity problems, so I just have a normal table that looks like a dynamic table but the information is correct.


I want it to keep it a dynamic table with the calculated field, but I´m guessing it´s not possible, because the calculated field is trying to work with references after all, and then it looses his dynamic property or smth and thats why it shows correct, but at that cost.


Any ideas if it´s possible? Or am I doing something wrong?

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1 Solution

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OK, Nevermind, I did it again from scratch and it´s working. I guess in my last template I touched so many things that the lost of the pivot property was probably about other reason.


Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the assist.

View solution in original post

7 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


you are correct - it is not really supported but obviously it depends how you built your nprinting template.

Exporting your table as an image or whole table tag should still work though. More info on:



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.

I mean, it´s just a normal table that has 2 columns i want to use for the calculated field in the dynamic table, it´s nothing crazy. It´s just to put the average price as a calculated field, by dividing this two columns and showing the result for each row, a simple math. 


So I really can´t do much with this problem? I´m always going to lose the dynamic property or is it a way around? Because I could have the average price in the normal table and pass it to the dynamic table, but then I don´t want to resume this value in the pivot table as a sum or product and all that, because I´ve already made the operation in the normal table and now I´m just forcing to operate that values and I don´t want that, I don´t know if I´m explaining.


Thanks in regards.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Words like "normal table", "dynamic table" can be interpreted in so many ways that it is still hard to understand what you are doing. I understand that measure mathematically is simple and there is no rocket science but i still dont know what you are doing. 

Imagine that in order to provide you with the answer i need to be able to recreate all steps you are taking.

Have a look at this topic to see how to describe steps in the community topics including all steps you taking so we can replicate it easily ( you may include screenshots and all steps from expressions in Qlik to how your NPrinting template looks like).

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.

Ok sorry, I did use different terms but I meant the same thing, I´ll try to re explain appropriately . I have this normal table (the table that you get when you convert to table on the insert label):


Then, I resume this table to pivot table:


And now I`m inserting a calculated field by calculating the division between price/cuantity:




And my template looks like this:


So when I download the Excel with the real values, it has this table, with the correct values and calculations, but it tells me that it removed the pivot table (I´m guessing the funtionality of pivot tables) and it shows me this pivot table but in reality, it´s just a normal table with the appearance of a pivot table, because you can´t interact with the "pivot" table, you can´t filter and expand and all that, it´s just, a normal table that looks like a pivot table.


OK, Nevermind, I did it again from scratch and it´s working. I guess in my last template I touched so many things that the lost of the pivot property was probably about other reason.


Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the assist.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

All good - I am glad it is working for you.


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.


Having the DIV/0 error in the template is ok and it will be removed in the generated table with real data.

Please remember to set the following two pivot table option:


Detailed instructions

Best Regards,



Best Regards,
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