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Contributor III
Contributor III

NPrinting report API - Can I get a full list of reports rather than only those enabled and on demand

Need someone to guide me re the report API. The documentation says this API "Gets the list of enabled and On-Demand enabled reports". This suggests that it will bring and/or sets of records so we should return those that are enabled but not On-Demand enabled.

My testing shows that it only returns On-Demand enabled reports, not those that are enabled but not On-Demand enabled which I'm trying to retrieve? Any ideas on how the below can be modified to do this?

FROM "items" FK "__FK_items")
FROM JSON (wrap off) "data" PK "__KEY_data"
WITH CONNECTION( URL "https://$(vNPServerName):4993/api/v1/reports?limit=$(vLimit)", HTTPHEADER "cookie" "$(vCookie)" );

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6 Replies

Hi Rich,

Yes, the API call returns the list of only the API and On-Demand enabled reports, not all enabled reports. Only the reports with the check box "Enable On-Demand and API report generation" flagged.

Best Regards,


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Contributor III
Contributor III

Thanks @Ruggero_Piccoli.

So there's no more general API call to get all reports etc out from the system so I can analyse the whole setup of NP in Qlik.. I.e. who gets what reports, through which tasks etc...?

Do i need to connect to the postgres database for this type of info? It would be a good addition to the APIs so they're not only servicing on demand capability.

Hope you're doing well and Merry Christmas!


Former Employee
Former Employee

Hi Richard- yes for now an ODBC connection to postgres would be the only way to do this.   Its essentially what the web console does when it displays a list of reports to an admin on the reports tab.   There are a few samples of 'governance dashboards' in nprinting that use odbc/postgres to pull the information and display in a qlik app.  if you feel like sharing what you develop , so much the better for the community !

Creator II
Creator II

Hi @Ruggero_Piccoli 

I'm running NPrinting May'2022 and nothing changed, I mean, via API we continue receiving only reports with Ondemand flag enabled.

Has Qlik considered to include this feature in future Nprinting releases? if so, which one?

Best regards


Hi @LDR ,

This is work as designed. On-Demand uses API and to see a report in the list of the ones runnable via APIs you must enable the related flag on the specific report. 

Best Regards,


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Creator II
Creator II

Hi @Ruggero_Piccoli 

I agree that the API method is working in this way by design however, why not  to return every report and a column informing about if the "On Demand" options is enabled?

I'm pretty sure there's some difficult point I don't know and was the reason of including only "On-Demand" reports however, in my humble opinion it's strange because the other API methods include all necessary data, for instance: we can get all connections, it doesn't matter if one connection has activated an option or another, the retrieved data is not filtered.

So, do you know if the "reports" method is going to be enhanced? if so, when?

Thanks for your support.