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NPrtinting Report is not getting send


I have setup a report in NPriting prod similar to what I had in the lower environment, but when I running the report the report is not coming out via email even though the Task Execution display the status as Completed and log file is all clean.


Can anyone help in here to find the root cause? 

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9 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

This is not enough info.

Log file or even task execution bit in admin console will show more details indicating what is wrong

  • report may be disabled
  • users may be disabled
  • users may not have role assigned
  • and many many more things
  • or maybe your antispam on SMTP server is not relaying reports
    • then just try to generate them to local folder.If they can be generated then talk to your SMTP admin to fix the anti-spam stall
cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Fact that something is "clean" does not mean it is properly configured. Task execution may not have any warning as there may be no report or user attached to it....

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.


Start by checking the messages in the Task Executions page If the not delivered report is declared to be sent check the logs of the SMTP server. 

If the SMTP server is not delivering the report check to meet all the Best Practices listed in

Of course I supposed that the report is produced correctly. So the preview in Designer works, filters are not generating an empty dataset, etc. We don't have enough information to understand it the problem is there.

Best Regards,


Best Regards,
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What I mean by Clean is - The log files doesn't have any error or warnings, details from the log files in below - 

DateTime Level Details
20230404045358 Info Starting email variables resolution
20230404045358 Info Finished email variables resolution
20230404045358 Info Starting content resolution for report [Report ID]
20230404045400 Info Finished content resolution for report [Report ID]
20230404045400 Info Starting content production
20230404045400 Info Finished content production
20230404045400 Info Starting publishing for task 1c763f1d-78d9-4a35-9f30-3ff8e4ba4fd5 report [Report ID] user [UserID] file APP NAMEFILTER
20230404045400 Info Finished publishing for task 1c763f1d-78d9-4a35-9f30-3ff8e4ba4fd5 report [Report ID] user [UserID] file APP NAMEFILTER
20230404045400 Info Plan branch execution completed

  • All the required users/ report listed in the task are enabled in the system  - verified already
  • user Role is assigned to a User.
  • Other reports are sending our as expected and no issue with those
  • Already tried running on my local and its working as expected, meaning with required filters on local




The role User is disabled by default after installation. So go to Admin - > Security Roles and check it is enabled. 

Be also sure you select Email in the Destinations tab of the task. When Qlik NPrinting send a report to the SMTP server it writes a row on the Task Executions page and I do not see it in your previous post.

Best Regards,


Best Regards,
When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads with a LIKE if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads with LIKEs if you feel additional info is useful to others.

@punitpopli if you set a folder destination for the reports, do they work?



To be clear, the issue appears to be that you haven't set 'email' as a destination as suggested by @Ruggero_Piccoli 


IF that is not it,  then check the NP scheduler.log file as it will give you specific information about the task.


KInd regards...


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yes, the report is getting published on the folder with all required filters ( as expected)


Yes, User role is enabled and report is getting send for all other NPrinting reports created