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Nprinting 17 server connection to a qvw

Could someone kindly supply a sample of what a server connection would look like to connect from NPrinting 17 to their qvw on a server? For example, see the attached; is this correct if the info is as follows:  the server machine name is "myqvserver" and the qvw I am trying to access sits in drive/folder q:\myqlikviewapps\UI and my qvw name is myUI.qvw.  Generating the cache is failing and I I'm not sure if it is this connection info or if I have another piece of the initial NPrinting install missing. server connection.PNG

13 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Kris,

Did you actualy manage to get it working - If so, could you let us know what was the root cause of issue so others can benefit from this knowledge?

thank you - regards


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.

I've shared the version info with my boss, and as soon as he does the update I will try a server connection type and report back. Thanks.


Still no luck with server connections but because we have now updated to QV 12.10 SR 6 and remain on NP, I now believe it is because we don't have something in place where our QV and NP servers can talk to each other...something is blocking it.  We have decided at this point we are going to use local connections anyhow, but I really appreciate all the great information on this thread.  Thanks.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Kris,

It all depends how you want to use NPrinintg and how many reports you are building in it.

I suggest to get QVP working, because once you build all reports on Local connection - as of now - there is no simple way to switch to QVP connection, so all reports will have to be rebuild from scratch.

Also Local connection will be very resource consuming and therefore you may hit a lot of issues with NPrinting server running out of memory!

Think this trough, get your network admin in the room, go through help documents looking at requirementsm ports, account priviliges, .Net versions etc.. the end it is your choice - whether you want to build on Local or QVP connection, but you will hit issues  with Local - that is guarantee



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.