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Contributor II
Contributor II

Nprinting not login after restore a backup from migration

Hello good day,

After backing up and restoring on the new machine, I can't login to the console. I tried with all the credentials of the previous server and I cannot enter.

the error reported to me in the log is the following:


Qlik.NPrinting.WebEngine Qlik.NPrinting.WebEngine.Engine 20210217T221526.373+01:00 ERROR QLIKNPRINTING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 proxy: 2021/02/17 22:15:26 server.go:2317: http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: unknown certificate

Qlik.NPrinting.Repo Qlik.NPrinting.Repo.Service.AuthenticationService 20210217T221526.690+01:00 INFO QLIKNPRINTING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Form login failed, invalid credentials for email


When I made the backup the only error that the console threw is the following, I don't know if it can be ignored?


Qlik.NPrinting.Manager Qlik.NPrinting.Manager.Commands.Backup.B
ackupDbCommand 20210217T222848.749+01:00 ERROR QLIKPRINTING
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Process C:\Progr
am Files\NPrintingServer\pgsql\bin\pg_dump.exe: pg_dump: [tar archiver] could no
t write to output file: No space left on device


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1 Solution

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Hi @ale_rosmari 

1. It is possible that the disk space is not accurate. If you wish you can google that or follow this external to qlik link if you wish. I found no issues with it but follow it at your own risk.

2. The backup might actually be using up all 60 GB of space if it is not reported incorrectly as per point 2 above. So it is possible that doubling the space or more might allow the backup to be successful.

Why could it use up so much space potentially?

Answer: Older unsupported versions of NPrinting such as the one you are using, do not clear publish task and other database logging as do modern NPrinting versions. During the backup, this might be causing the out of space problem since temp space is used where info is place in temp files before zipping the contents as part of the backup process. If the NP db is already large this could result in the consumption of all the disk space.

3. Finally, if you are not successful in making a good backup I suggest that you manually make a copy of the NPrinting program files and program data. Look for the 'apps' folder. (I don't remember if its in program file or program data in your version given that it is so old now.)

The NPrinting 'apps' folder contains your report templates.

If you are unable to backup the database and move it to the different server, you may need to:

  • Install the latest version of NPrinting
  • Manually replicate/recreate all your NPrinting Apps, Connections, tasks etc.
  • Copy the report templates from the 'apps' folder  to the new computer (note that the apps folder contains the report templates but they are named with GUIDs and not friendly report names so you will have to be opening each raw template to identify which report it is. This is a last resort workaround).
  • Create new reports but use the custom feature so that you can connect to the report template.
  • Manually re-add all corresponding objects to the report.

Unfortunately staying on this old version of NPrinting has left you in a very precarious position for upgrading, migration not to mentioned defect fixes and feature updates that that you are not able to leverage with this unsupported version that you are using at the moment.

If you wish, you might want to reach out to your Qlik Account manager to arrange a consulting engagement so they can help you get on the latest version of NPrinting.

Unfortunately there is not much more we can do from a supported product perspective. But hopefully the guidance above will help you to move forward.

Kind regards...fs



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5 Replies

Hi @ale_rosmari 

First, your version of NPrinting is dramatically out of support in case you were unaware.

There is a specific upgrade path to get to the latest version of NPrinting. See for details.

Now regarding your issue, note that there is a very specific problem with your environment that has caused the restore to be incomplete or totally failed resulting in the failure to log on.

Process C:\Program Files\NPrintingServer\pgsql\bin\pg_dump.exe: pg_dump: [tar archiver] could not write to output file: No space left on device


The No space left on device error indicates that you need to increase the c:\drive space before you can restore the NP database successfully. This error cannot be ignored.

To do this, you should:

  • Perform windows maintenance to clear out old windows log files etc using for example the built in Windows Clean up tools ie: disk cleanup
  • Manually empty the temp folders for every user found on your c:drive in c:\users. For example:
  • remove any unnecessary programs not needed on the NPrinting server.
  • move any archived NPrinting backups to a different drive or a network drive

If this 'new' computer is actually a re-purposed computer, use the above to clear out some space.

If you perform the restore with plenty of space on the computer and you restore to the same version of NPrinting, you should be ok. If you restore your database to a different version of NPrinting, you may not be able to login.

For details see:

Hope this helps to guide you in the right direction...

kind regards


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Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

😂😂😂 ....could not write to output file: No space left on device...

let me thinkg what does that mean 🤔 🤔 🤔  ... 


and sorry - I did not mean to be rude, it meant to be joke...

Error seems obvious, but may not be if you have never seen it before or never done pgdump backups before...

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Contributor II
Contributor II

hi Frank_S,

Thanks so much for the explanation.

The No space left on device error appears when I want to backup the current server. Currently the file that it generates weighs 500 mb and I have 60 gb of free space on disk C. Is 60 not enough or should I add more? This is why I do not understand why I get the error if there is space available on disk c.


With your explanation I could see that the problem is when generating the backup of the postgres database, for that reason I cannot enter later. but I still can't generate the backup correctly 😞

is there any other way to backup the database independent of the nprinting tool?

I am migrating the server to a new environment and using the same version.



Hi @ale_rosmari 

1. It is possible that the disk space is not accurate. If you wish you can google that or follow this external to qlik link if you wish. I found no issues with it but follow it at your own risk.

2. The backup might actually be using up all 60 GB of space if it is not reported incorrectly as per point 2 above. So it is possible that doubling the space or more might allow the backup to be successful.

Why could it use up so much space potentially?

Answer: Older unsupported versions of NPrinting such as the one you are using, do not clear publish task and other database logging as do modern NPrinting versions. During the backup, this might be causing the out of space problem since temp space is used where info is place in temp files before zipping the contents as part of the backup process. If the NP db is already large this could result in the consumption of all the disk space.

3. Finally, if you are not successful in making a good backup I suggest that you manually make a copy of the NPrinting program files and program data. Look for the 'apps' folder. (I don't remember if its in program file or program data in your version given that it is so old now.)

The NPrinting 'apps' folder contains your report templates.

If you are unable to backup the database and move it to the different server, you may need to:

  • Install the latest version of NPrinting
  • Manually replicate/recreate all your NPrinting Apps, Connections, tasks etc.
  • Copy the report templates from the 'apps' folder  to the new computer (note that the apps folder contains the report templates but they are named with GUIDs and not friendly report names so you will have to be opening each raw template to identify which report it is. This is a last resort workaround).
  • Create new reports but use the custom feature so that you can connect to the report template.
  • Manually re-add all corresponding objects to the report.

Unfortunately staying on this old version of NPrinting has left you in a very precarious position for upgrading, migration not to mentioned defect fixes and feature updates that that you are not able to leverage with this unsupported version that you are using at the moment.

If you wish, you might want to reach out to your Qlik Account manager to arrange a consulting engagement so they can help you get on the latest version of NPrinting.

Unfortunately there is not much more we can do from a supported product perspective. But hopefully the guidance above will help you to move forward.

Kind regards...fs



Please remember hit the 'Like' button and for helpful answers and resolutions, click on the 'Accept As Solution' button. Cheers!
Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi @Frank_S 

Thank you very much for your excellent and detailed explanation, it was very helpful, but unfortunately the problem continues even though it increases the capacity of my C drive. So I will have to start a step-by-step migration manually 😞
the truth is that I hate having all these errors in previous versions that make the job much more complicated in the future.

Thank you very much for everything!
